BiologicalRecordsCentre / ukotas

UK Overseas Territories Alien Species website work -
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Add blog page for each species page #38

Open DavidRoy opened 3 weeks ago

DavidRoy commented 3 weeks ago

Blog page default title = 'Invasive species management - species x' Single species page regardless of associated territory

Required so that OTs can share experience of management approaches - for control and/or eradication approaches

@johnvanbreda how does this fit with the current approach. Is the current structure to have page for each species x territory? If, so do we need an overall set of species pages

johnvanbreda commented 3 weeks ago

@DavidRoy correct - there is one species account per species page per territory (so a species will have 2 pages if in 2 territories). This is because some of the data fields contain values that are territory specific, like establishment, arrival year etc. Option 1 - We could potentially allow a content page to be created for each species which is for a management overview, with commenting enabled allowing posts by users with permissions. We could write code that automates the creation of this page when an account is added for a new species. Option 2 - there is already a unique taxonomy term for each species (and higher taxon). These already have their own pages but we don't currently link to them - e.g. Therefore we could add a field to this taxonomy allowing comments to be added, and do some work to tidy up the appearance of the taxonomy term page.

I think option 2 is actually simpler. The disadvantage of doing it this way is that in future if you decide we want another page type per species (I can't think of a good example, but maybe a page about the taxonomic history or something like that) then you'd have to revert to option 1 in order to support multiple page types per species.