Bionus / imgbrd-grabber

Very customizable imageboard/booru downloader with powerful filenaming features.
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Option to download the tags of an already downloaded image #1937

Open IlluminatiWave opened 4 years ago

IlluminatiWave commented 4 years ago

The program brings an option to save the labels in a text file. But it does it through commands (% md5%,% artist%, etc). but it doesn't download all the image tags automatically.

Other than that, if an image is already downloaded, it doesn't download the tags.

So it would be a good idea to add an option to download the tags even if the image is already downloaded, and even to add an option to download all the tags from it.

Bionus commented 4 years ago

but it doesn't download all the image tags automatically.

Not sure I understand this part.

Other than that, if an image is already downloaded, it doesn't download the tags.

Indeed, Grabber will treat images as "already existing" and directly skip them, even if their "external files" are missing. Is your suggestion to, for this situation, generate said "external files"? (but without re-downloading the actual image)

IlluminatiWave commented 4 years ago

Not sure I understand this part.

Forget that part, I solved it by reading in more detail the token section (I was looking for something like "allo")

Indeed, Grabber will treat images as "already existing" and directly skip them, even if their "external files" are missing. Is your suggestion to, for this situation, generate said "external files"? (but without re-downloading the actual image)


This is because the re-downloading everything, could bother the server a little bit

IlluminatiWave commented 4 years ago

Well. I think I've expressed myself wrong:

When I was referring to load tags, I actually meant that Grabber has an option called "Separate log file" in the Save menu. Which I use to generate a list of tags for each file (use "Location type: Suffix")

The problem is, if the image file already existed (jpg, png etc.) it no longer creates the log file.

For example:

First search with disabled (or non-existent) separate log file

Original folder (%md5%.%ext%)

File1.png (the file was downloaded before an external source or in this case, before activating the log)

After a second search with the separate log file activated

Original folder (%md5%.%ext%)

File1.png (already existing, so the program skips it) File2.jpg (new) File2.jpg.Tags (Generated) File3.gif (new) File3.gif.Tags (Generated)

At the end. The Grabber window essentially says that 2 files were downloaded and 1 skipped. What interests me is also taking the record of that existing file (the source is the same) that, at least in my case, I set it as "%md5%.%Ext%.Tags" , but it can be applied to any case you want to take individual logs

FichteFoll commented 4 years ago

Storing an image's tags sounds like a useful feature by itself, imo.