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[Suggestion] [Pixiv] Download translated tags for pixiv? #2535

Open uvhat opened 2 years ago

uvhat commented 2 years ago

Pixiv now can show translated tags on the side of origin Japanese tags. Is here any option for saving translated tags for filenames/data base/separate log files? Or using custom file with pairs "japan_tags - my_custom_tag" for replacing tags?

uvhat commented 2 years ago

Can you look on translated tags?

Pixiv now sends json data with translated tags:

"tags": [{ "name": "東方", "translated_name": "Touhou" }, { "name": "爾子田里乃", "translated_name": "Satono Nishida" }, ... }]

"translated_name" could be "null",

i made simple renamer in model.js for myself, but look at official solution (it hard to merge diffs to local model.ts).

Bionus commented 2 years ago

It's not a simple fix, as it requires new settings & co, since some users might actually prefer JP tags. It also impacts other sites that provide multiple languages like Anime-Pictures (currently defaulting to EN).

It would also impact tokens as some people might want to have both version of tags, such as %all:lang=jp% and %all:lang=en%. Or as you said, even mixed somehow.

Railline commented 2 years ago

i put tags in metadata with exif and jap character are converted to "????" can be possible to change jap to english for exiftool ? image

Railline commented 2 years ago

can you share your model.js ? ^^ @uvhat

uvhat commented 2 years ago

can you share your model.js ? ^^ @uvhat @Railline Here is...

This model.js returns tags as: translated0 translated1 translated2 original0_translated0 original1_translated1 original2_translated2

grabber replaces every :: and : as _ in tags so it will something like "maid メイド_maid"

if there are no any translated tag it returns null for translated.

Comment some useless console.log that i used to debug some thing if you don't want to see it in log output.

It has also some dirty filtering for useless tags such as "500+users, 9000+bookmarks", it could be done from Grabber, but i made it here too for some reasons i don't know why, you can try to use this too.


Railline commented 2 years ago

if i under stand i need to use traslated0 or 1, 2 ore originial10_translated instead "all" ?

uvhat commented 2 years ago

it is "all" token. translated0,1,2 is just example.

Railline commented 2 years ago

oh i see thanks you ^^