Bionus / imgbrd-grabber

Very customizable imageboard/booru downloader with powerful filenaming features.
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Increase filename limit for both classic and javascript filenames 2 #2816

Open rgnski opened 1 year ago

rgnski commented 1 year ago

Sorry to post this again! The last time you thankfully responded really well but for a different issue, because I think I might have been confusing. I think my reply slipped through though so bringing it up again seemed like a good idea.

original post: (

Here it is repeated.

I think I was confusing, sorry!!

The limitation I was talking about is not with the OS but with the code you can use to make the program determine the file name from tags and other meta data. It is the input that takes the tokens from here The input cuts text off after about 50 thousand characters. Both "classic naming" and "javascript" naming forms have this problem. Test this by pasting over 100 thousand characters into the file name parser and it will be cut off when saving it. It is hard to do complex javascript involving meta data because the limit is too small.

the places impacted again: Options then Save then Filename. The Destination pane on the left side.

I am trying not to be confusing this time! Thanks for your help!

Bionus commented 1 year ago

Why do you need more than 50K chars for your filename template? What filename template are you using? Even in JS that seems like a lot 🤔

rgnski commented 1 year ago

Sorry I should have explained more, because it may seem like a lot already, but there are tens of thousands of tag names on some sites! Making a file name based on complex statements on the tags takes up a lot of characters. To make narrow file names < 255 characters takes a lot of code since there is a need to prioritize the thousands of tags based on many image parameters. (Characters fill up fast!) Just the tag names alone are far more than 50 thousand characters without any JS code, so having more space would help a lot here for complex file naming and tag selection.

I could give some more examples if you need but I hope this shows why it would help to increase the limit.