Biophysical-Fluorescence-Laboratory / Imaging_FCS

Imaging_FCS is a basic ImageJ plugin to calculate and view spatio-temporal correlation functions from 16 bit gray tiff stack files.
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Rewrite Simulation code #13

Closed Marc-Demoustier closed 6 months ago

Marc-Demoustier commented 6 months ago

The current simulation code is hard to read and not very optimized. The previous simulation code is the baseline for all the simulations code we have in the lab.

If this code is improved we can easily imagine that every code that takes inspiration can be written faster and with a better code quality.

However, it would be even better to have only one version that is very optimized that can be imported in every language if needed.

Marc-Demoustier commented 6 months ago

The simulation 2D is now implemented with the new separations between functions (still need some updates for the domain and mesh) but I am facing an issue where the diffusion coefficient is off if I use the fit function from the previous version. It looks like some of the pixel values are pretty high, maybe it is linked to this.

It can be due to multiple things: (if it has been tested and we know it's not this, the box will be checked)

After this the simulation should be good

Marc-Demoustier commented 6 months ago

After analyzing the values of all variables it looks like that this is not where the issue is (see the end of this comment to see all variables values). The idea was to debug both code and see where we can observe some changes. And it looks like the same, both code are doing the same things with random numbers being in the correct range.

However, we can observe some differences in term of execution time: 01:05 (old code launched in IntelliJ IDE) vs 01:47 (new code launched in IntelliJ IDE). The issue is most likely due to too many iterations happening for some reason. Need to identify this issue.

Here are the logs: Old code:

this = {Imaging_FCS@2593} 
simSeed = 1
simNoParticles = 1000
simCPS = 10000
simTauBleach = 0.0
simPixelnum = 21
simExtFactor = 1.5
simNoTStep = 50000
simFrameTime = 0.001
simStepsPerFrame = 10
simD1 = 1.0E-12
simDoutDinRatio = 1.0
simD2 = 1.0E-13
simD3 = 1.0E-14
simF2 = 0.0
simF3 = 0.0
simKon = 300.0
simKoff = 700.0
simCameraOffset = 100
simCameraNoiseFactor = 3.0
simBleachRadius = 3.0E-6
simBleachFrame = 1000000
simDomainRadius = 3.0E-8
simDomainDensity = 30.0
simPin = 1.0
simPout = 0.6
simMeshworkSize = 1.0E-7
simHopProbability = 1.0
simPixelSizeRS = 2.4E-5
simMag = 100.0
simWavelength = 5.15E-7
simNA = 1.49
simSigma0 = 0.8
newSimSettings = {String[36]@3172} ["2D (free)", "Triplet off", "1", "1000", "10000", +31 more]
simTStep = 1.0E-4
simDarkF = 0.7
numOfSeeds = 18
simSeedArray = {int[18]@3403} [1, 2, 5, 10, 17, 26, 37, 50, 65, 82, 101, 122, 145, 170, 197, 226, 257, 290]
simPixelSize = 2.4000000000000003E-7
simPSFSize = 1.3825503355704699E-7
simGridSize = 5.040000000000001E-6
simMidPos = 2.5200000000000004E-6
simSizeLL = -7.560000000000001E-6
simSizeUL = 7.560000000000001E-6
simDetectorSize = 2.5200000000000004E-6
bleachFactor = 2.0
blinkFactor = {double[2]@3434} [0.9704455335485082, 0.9323938199059483]
gridLength = 1.5120000000000003E-5
gridMidPos = 7.560000000000001E-6
numberofdomains = 6859
domains = {double[6859][]@3453} 
subgridnum = 52
subgridsize = 2.964705882352942E-7
maxdomainperarea = 391
maxct = 0
domainsorted = {int[1][][]@3469} 
dsortmp = {int[52][][]@3473} 
dctr = {int[52][]@3477} 
num1 = 1000
num2 = 0
particles = {double[1000][]@3487} 
impSim = {ImagePlus@3498} "img["2D Simulation" (-2), 16-bit, 21x21x1x50000x1]"
cs = 18
rugxpos = {UniformGenerator@3540} 
rugypos = {UniformGenerator@3541} 
ruig = {UniformGenerator@3542} 
rugbf = {UniformGenerator@3543} 
rugpin = {UniformGenerator@3544} 
rugpout = {UniformGenerator@3545} 
rugphop = {UniformGenerator@3546} 
rugblink = {UniformGenerator@3547} 
rgg1 = {GaussianGenerator@3548} 
rgg2 = {GaussianGenerator@3549} 
rgg3 = {GaussianGenerator@3550} 
rggpsf = {GaussianGenerator@3551} 
rpgphoton = {PoissonGenerator@3552} 
rggnoise = {GaussianGenerator@3553} 
rggdom1 = {GaussianGenerator@3554} 
rggdom2 = {GaussianGenerator@3555} 
rggdom3 = {GaussianGenerator@3556} 
rggdrad = {GaussianGenerator@3557} 
n = 0
ipSim = {ShortProcessor@3614} "ip[width=21, height=21, bits=16, min=0.0, max=65535.0]"
s = 0
m = 20
dx = 1.2191758223123185E-8
dy = -1.3098260873548387E-9
index = 1
nop = 2
p = 0
cordx = -1.239981312765639E-6
cordy = 1.6351952106872658E-6
tpx = 5
tpy = 17
tmp = 97
simSettings = {String[36]@2629} [null, null, null, null, null, +31 more]
batchSim = false
nosimsettings = 36
imp = null
particle=[-1.2095871119180109E-6, 1.8302337335402536E-6, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0]

New code:

this = {Simulation2D@2631} 
 model = {SimulationModel@2633} 
  expSettingsModel = {ExpSettingsModel@2637} 
   binning = {Point@2772} "java.awt.Point[x=1,y=1]"
   CCF = {Dimension@2773} "java.awt.Dimension[width=0,height=0]"
   pixelSize = 24.0
   magnification = 100.0
   NA = 1.49
   sigma = 0.8
   emLambda = 515.0
   sigma2 = 0.8
   emLamdba2 = 600.0
   sigmaZ = 1000000.0
   sigmaZ2 = 1000000.0
   paramA = 240.0
   paramW = 276.51006711409394
   paramW2 = 322.1476510067114
   paramZ = 3.4563758389261746E8
   paramZ2 = 4.0268456375838923E8
   paramRx = 0.0
   paramRy = 0.0
  controller = {SimulationController@2763} 
   imageController = {ImageController@2769} 
   simulationView = {SimulationView@2770} 
   simulationModel = {SimulationModel@2633} 
   expSettingsModel = {ExpSettingsModel@2637} 
  is2D = true
  isDomain = false
  isMesh = false
  blinkFlag = false
  seed = 1
  numParticles = 1000
  CPS = 10000
  tauBleach = 0.0
  pixelNum = 21
  extFactor = 1.5
  numFrames = 50000
  frameTime = 0.001
  stepsPerFrame = 10
  D1 = 1.0E-12
  doutDinRatio = 1.0
  D2 = 1.0E-13
  D3 = 1.0E-14
  F2 = 0.0
  F3 = 0.0
  kon = 300.0
  koff = 700.0
  cameraOffset = 100
  cameraNoiseFactor = 3.0
  bleachRadius = 3.0E-6
  bleachFrame = 10000000
  domainRadius = 30.0
  domainDensity = 30.0
  pin = 1.0
  pout = 0.6
  meshWorkSize = 100.0
  hopProbability = 1.0
  progress = 0
  state = {SwingWorker$StateValue@2764} "STARTED"
  future = {SwingWorker$2@2765} 
  propertyChangeSupport = {SwingWorker$SwingWorkerPropertyChangeSupport@2766} 
  doProcess = null
  doNotifyProgressChange = null
  doSubmit = {SwingWorker$DoSubmitAccumulativeRunnable@2767} 
 settingsModel = {ExpSettingsModel@2637} 
 random = {RandomCustom@2632} 
 tStep = 1.0E-4
 darkF = 0.7
 pixelSize = 2.4000000000000003E-7
 PSFSize = 1.3825503355704699E-7
 midPos = 2.5200000000000004E-6
 sizeLowerLimit = -7.560000000000001E-6
 sizeUpperLimit = 7.560000000000001E-6
 bleachFactor = -1.0
 bleachFlag = false
 particleGroup1 = 1000
 particleGroup2 = 0
 blinkOnFactor = 0.9704455335485082
 blinkOffFactor = 0.9323938199059483
 domains = null
 particles = {Particle2D[1000]@2638} 
 impSim = {ImagePlus@2639} "img["2D Simulation" (-2), 16-bit, 21x21x1x50000x1]"
 width = 21
 height = 21
ipSim = {ShortProcessor@2629} "ip[width=21, height=21, bits=16, min=0.0, max=65535.0]"
particle = {Particle2D@2630} 
 x = -1.5523004382971206E-6
 y = -2.323074589977308E-6
 bleached = false
 on = true
 domainIndex = -1
 diffusionCoefficient = 1.0E-12
numPhotons = 2
i = 0
photonX = -1.4620406917571202E-6
photonY = -2.2238906310264783E-6
xPixel = 4
yPixel = 1
currentValue = 100.0
Marc-Demoustier commented 6 months ago

In the end, the issue was a small inattention mistake... I used a normal random generator instead of a gaussian for photon number generation

Marc-Demoustier commented 6 months ago

Everything in the simulation works, just need to implement the Batch button now, it shouldn't be a big challenge. However, there are still things to think about before merging this branch: