Bioprotocols / labop

Laboratory Open Protocol (LabOP) Language
MIT License
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PAML name collisions #107

Closed photocyte closed 1 year ago

photocyte commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

You may have realized, but PAML is a widely used package of programs in evolutionary biology. A quick google will turn up the citation, plus the top hits all refer to the same program. It is already referred to in things like Biopython

I would suggest considering an alternative acronym to avoid name collisions. BAML (for bioprotocol), seems to be "available" (but that acronym is also similar to .bam format...)

All the best, -Tim

jakebeal commented 2 years ago

I don't know about others, but I'm certainly receptive to a name change if the community comes up with a good one. I also think we don't need to be in a super rush about it.

rpgoldman commented 2 years ago

Other uses of PAML is part of why the python library is "pyPAML" instead of "paml".

The TLAs are all used many times over; perhaps we need to give up on all the four letter abbreviations, as well...

photocyte commented 2 years ago

I had a meeting discussing the use of PAML (the other PAML, the one with 10,000 citations) & it reminded me of this issue. These name collisions and/or a strategic rename, is especially relevant with upcoming/ongoing discussions about the future of this PAML. See also:

What about Laboratory Work Language (LYWL) or Lab Work Language (LWL)?

I'll leave it to folks to determine if there is a coherent pronunciation for those acronyms. My sense is there could be... A quick google of LWL or LYWL plus protocol suggests it is a less-collisiony namespace. PAML protocol, at least with my Google, pulls up protocols & related links for the "other PAML" for the 1st page.

It is also relevant as, laboratory work isn't necessarily limited to "biological protocols" (via , "Biological Protocols Working Group"), i.e. PAML protocols may include chemistry, or just generic lab manipulations, so "Laboratory language" seems better suited.

photocyte commented 2 years ago

Now that PAML governance is setup, wonder if we can revisit? I still think this is a critical issue. Perhaps a two part vote with the community could be done? (1) Yes/No on renaming of PAML (2) If Yes on (1) succeeds, solicit candidates for rename, and then select via vote

It comes to mind that since there is a POML , that a potential rename should also take that into consideration. I.e. LYWL would also have LYOL , LabWL would have LabOL , etc.

jakebeal commented 2 years ago

I'm fine with a name change, and now's a very good time to do it since we're planning to try to finalize a spec at COMBINE

jakebeal commented 2 years ago

I would like to see the word "Protocol" remain in the name.

photocyte commented 2 years ago

At the Bioprotocols scrum on 2022-08-30, there was agreement that a rename of PAML should be evaluated, and agreement to collect renaming options for evaluation next week. I will also raise this issue onto the Bioprotocols main mailing list.

A reminder that we have the name (redirected to & are formally the Bioprotocols Working Group . Although the biology focus at the moment, PAML is presumably still suitable for non-biology (i.e. chemistry) or non laboratory or laboratory adjacent (i.e. biological/chemical product manufacturing) contexts, although synthetic biology is likely to be the major first mover for a long time.

Jeremy Cahill suggested "my inner linguist is requesting that we keep disyllabic cvcvc" i.e. like PAM - ML for PAML

Please post both a longer name & the acronym. Hopefully the acronym pronunciation would be obvious ;) Bonus points if the pronunciation is consistent internationally.

It seems some combination of "laboratory" "biology" "chemistry" "standard" , "protocol" , "scientific" , "workflow" etc. I will plan to evaluate options with Google Searches & present the results before next week.

bbartley commented 2 years ago

Hi all, someone else made this point, but I agree with the principle that we should choose a more descriptive name and avoid the alphabet-soup of 4-letter abbreviations, so my preference is leaning toward names that have "Lab" in them

jakebeal commented 2 years ago

"LabProLan" "ProtoLang" (though that conflicts with one of my earlier scientific incarnations []) "LabProtocol" "LabLang" "SciProLang"

danbryce commented 2 years ago

OPR (Open Protocol Representation) is simple and free, pronounced “opper” (rhymes with hopper).

On Aug 30, 2022, at 12:55 PM, Jacob Beal @.***> wrote:

"LabProLan" "ProtoLang" (though that conflicts with one of my earlier scientific incarnations []) "LabProtocol" "LabLang" "SciProLang"

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photocyte commented 2 years ago

LOPS (Laboratory Open Protocol Standard) SOPS (Scientific Open Protocol Standard) OPro (Open Protocol)

Edit: LabOP (Laboratory Open Protocol)

markdoerr commented 2 years ago

I like: Laboratory Protocol Language - LabPL

Other ideas: sciLang (close to Jake's SciProLang, a little bit shorter) sciXL - scientific eXpression/eXperiments Language

markdoerr commented 2 years ago

I think, it is very important, that the name tells directly the user (not knowing the project), what it is all about.

photocyte commented 2 years ago
(I will do my best to keep this table up to date with all the options) Full name Acronym Acronym: # of Google Results Acronym + "science" conflict? Acronym + "software" conflict? Notes
Protocol Activity Modeling Language PAML 677,000 yes yes
Laboratory Work[flow?] Language LWL 10,700,000 yes minor
Laboratory Work[flow?] Language LabWL 16,600 n.d. n.d.
Laboratory Protocol Language LabPL 14,600 minor minor
Laboratory Protocol Standard Language LabPLS 562
Scientific Protocol Open Language SPOL 38,300,000
Scientific Protocol Workflow Language SPWL 130,000
Scientific Protocol Modeling Language SPML 420,000
Laboratory Protocol Language LabProLan 0
Laboratory Protocol Language LabProLang 0
ProtocolLanguage ProtoLang 5,360
Laboratory Language LabLang 9,420
Scientific Protocol Language SciProLang 0
Open Protocol Representation OPR 28,600,000 yes medium Some automation software overlap
Laboratory Open Protocol Standard LOPS 2,430,000
Scientific Open Protocol Standard SOPS 14,400,000
Open Protocol OPro 2,920,000
Laboratory Open Protocol LabOP 58,100 minor minor While 'LabOps' is highly collision-y, i.e. Aritificial's Labops LabOP is suprisingly unencumbered
Scientific Language sciLang 2,620
scientific eXpression/eXpriements Language sciXL 14,200 Trademarked?
Protocol Activity Workflow Language PAWL 5,760,000
Open Protocol Modeling Language OPML 851,000
Open Protocol Workflow Language OPWL 72,200
Open Protocol Activity Language OPAL 55,800,000
Protocols Open Modeling Language POML 586,000
Agora N/A 875,000,000 “Agora”, for the marketplace where everybody trades
Souk N/A 17,100,000 "an Arab market or marketplace; a bazaar"
Kinesin N/A 1,770,000 Kinesins are motor proteins that transport such cargo by walking unidirectionally along microtubule tracks
Qinesin N/A 293 Pseudo-homonym of kinesin
Kynysyn N/A 4 Pseudo-homonym of kinesin
LabGraph N/A 1870 Overlaps with Facebook software project
GraphProtocolLanguage N/A 59,000
Protocol Modeling Language PML 16,200,000
jcahill commented 2 years ago

Before I get into a more systematic search later in the day — my first thought in response to Dan's prompt for potentially evocative, non-acronym candidates was along the lines of mesh ~ distributed network ~ well-connected graph ~ strong but flexible fabric / manifold / weave, plumbing, undergirding.

gyorgy5635 commented 2 years ago

"LabProLan" looks promising.

celleleven commented 2 years ago

What about Kinesin(s)?

jakebeal commented 2 years ago

To play the "reminiscent but not conflicting" game, one could change it to something like "Qinesin" or "Kynysyn"

bbartley commented 2 years ago

@jcahill along those lines, I like LabGraph or GraphProtocolLanguage (although GPL would not be a good abbreviation)

photocyte commented 2 years ago

Hi folks, I've updated the table with all the options I've heard. Let me know if I missed something.

Noting: Currently the table only has crude metrics for google uniqueness and conflicts with preexisting projects in the science and/or software domains, I wouldn't lean too much on an especially low or especially high number? There are other axes to be considered, i.e. is it evocative (, is it easy to remember, is it easy to pronounce (internationally), is it self-descriptive (, is it an acronym vs single word, vs multi word (

My personal preference is Laboratory Open Protocol - LabOPro - LabOP . Although quite similar to labops , labop is suprisingly unencumbered, and could have some fun mnemonic type mechanisms "Research is tough, but before you need to get your labops figured out, first try LabOP. It'll make it easier"

For Graph I think in a biological user context, that has a negative weight in the self-descriptive axis, i.e. a biological user would think of a graph as in an excel graph, rather than a protocol graph (most "protocols" in their experience are linear sequences)

rpgoldman commented 2 years ago

To play the "reminiscent but not conflicting" game, one could change it to something like "Qinesin" or "Kynysyn"

I would prefer that we not end up with one of those names that doesn't give any hint of what the thing actually is. This sounds like the name of a sedan! ;-)

rpgoldman commented 2 years ago

For Graph I think in a biological user context, that has a negative weight in the self-descriptive axis, i.e. a biological user would think of a graph as in an excel graph, rather than a protocol graph (most "protocols" in their experience are linear sequences)

+1 to this. There is already too much ambiguity in the meanings of graph. I think of graph as "directed graph," but that's because I have a computer science background.

rpgoldman commented 2 years ago

My personal preference is Laboratory Open Protocol - LabOPro - LabOP . Although quite similar to labops , labop is suprisingly unencumbered, and could have some fun mnemonic type mechanisms "Research is tough, but before you need to get your labops figured out, first try LabOP. It'll make it easier"

I like this, but I would prefer we expand the "O" to something like "OpenLabPro".

"Pro" doesn't seem great, though, because it prefixes too many different words. "Proto" is not really better, because it could be "Prototype." Maybe we should just suck it up and go for "OpenLabProtocol".

Or maybe this is a reductio ad absurdum and we should just stick to PAML?

rpgoldman commented 2 years ago

I like: Laboratory Protocol Language - LabPL


Other ideas: sciLang (close to Jake's SciProLang, a little bit shorter) sciXL - scientific eXpression/eXperiments Language

"sci" is too unspecific, IMO. Compare with "scipy" for example.

danbryce commented 2 years ago and are available. I vote for either of those. Unlike some of the others, these are easy to pronounce and are descriptive.

photocyte commented 2 years ago

I'd like to suggest from Dan's post onwards ( we start voting on options - please make another post if you'd like to throw a particular option into the ring? I'll make a post for PAML itself. I'd like to suggest we follow ranked choice voting (, so please react to options with your first preference, 2nd preference, 3rd preference. Too bad Github doesn't support the 1️⃣ , 2️⃣ reactions on posts. So, let's use ❤️ as 1st choice, 👍 as 2nd choice, 🚀 as 3rd choice, 🎉 as 4th choice, 👀 for 5th choice, 👎 for 6th choice, 😄 for 7th choice, 😕 for 8th choice

photocyte commented 2 years ago

Leave reactions here for your votes for PAML

rpgoldman commented 2 years ago

I'd like to suggest from Dan's post onwards (#107 (comment)) we start voting on options - please make another post if you'd like to throw a particular option into the ring? I'll make a post for PAML itself. I'd like to suggest we follow ranked choice voting (, so please react to options with your first preference, 2nd preference, 3rd preference. Too bad Github doesn't support the 1️⃣ , 2️⃣ reactions on posts. So, let's use ❤️ as first choice, 👍 as second choice, 🚀 as 3rd choice, 🎉 as 4th choice.

We don't necessarily have only one comment per post. So maybe better to do a two phase:

  1. Pick an arbitrary deadline (say midnight anywhere on the globe today or Saturday)
  2. Harvest candidate names and put them on a Google sheet
  3. Set another deadline, and collect votes
  4. Execute the ranked choice process

And, to continue my pedantry, it's instant runoff you propose as our method of ranked choice voting, correct? That would be fine with me.

photocyte commented 2 years ago

Will have to read up on instant runoff though I assume the answer is "yes" (I just know ranked choice is "good" although I haven't tried to administer such an election). I'm just all for whichever has the least amount of extra work & keeps the current state in a single place - the reactions on particular posts seemed to accomplish that, Google sheets seems like extra work, unless we prefer this election to be closed to Bioprotocols google group members. I agree, the deadline shouldn't be "today" it is already evening time in Europe, but didn't want to suggest a particular deadline!

edit: We don't necessarily have only one comment per post. Yes, but can rely on folks to police their own reactions to ensure they're not voting ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ on every option? Or maybe I misunderstood. The point was people can make a new post and say put a reaction here for candidate X , I think making an explicit option for all 20-30+ candidates from the table above would be overkill.

rpgoldman commented 2 years ago

edit: We don't necessarily have only one comment per post. Yes, but can rely on folks to police their own reactions to ensure they're not voting ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ on every option?

Isn't the problem that we need to have one post (comment) per candidate? That would give us a lot of posting and scrolling. That's why I thought the google sheet would be a better choice. I suppose we could have a markdown table instead, if anyone was feeling particularly masochistic!

photocyte commented 2 years ago

I don't expect there to be more than 4 candidates (edit: I've updated the reaction options so now 8 candidates can be supported), so didn't feel like it would be too many posts. I'm used to a lot of scrolling I guess ;) But am open to alternatives. Just didn't want to leave things in an ambiguous state vs taking the initiative to have a vote "now".

edit: There is also apparently a Poll option on Github , but I have never used that feature

danbryce commented 2 years ago

Poll is live at:

photocyte commented 1 year ago

Aforementioned poll completed with LabOP coming in first. LabOP was discussed and agreed upon at the 2022-09-20 weekly PAML meeting (minutes here: . Therefore, closing this thread given the agreement on LabOP.