Birch-san / box2d-wasm

Box2D physics engine compiled to WebAssembly. Supports TypeScript and ES modules.
263 stars 21 forks source link

Contact #30

Closed ErikSom closed 2 years ago

ErikSom commented 3 years ago

Would it be possible to get in contact regarding your work on Box2D web? I would like to propose something. Kind regards, Erik

Birch-san commented 3 years ago

heyo, is it something appropriate for Discussions?

otherwise, could direct-message me on Twitter?

ErikSom commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I'm following you now on twitter, I'm, I'm not able to DM you, I think you need to follow me first. Please feel free to delete this issue as it is not relevant for your repo, I saw no other way to reach out.