BirkbeckCTP / typesetting

A plugin that replaced the Production and Proofing stages with an alternative process.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Instruct typesetter to re-version existing formats rather than uploading revisions as entirely new Typeset Files #191

Open pgoussy opened 1 year ago

pgoussy commented 1 year ago

Per my Discord conversation with Andy, the general expectation is that there should only be one Typeset File for each format: one for PDF, one for XML, etc. Any corrections/revisions should be made by re-versioning the existing file, rather than uploading a new file with a new Janeway ID. However, Apex has consistently been uploading new files after making corrections/revisions, which introduces problems down the line. (MPS has to manually edit them to make the older/defunct versions non-public, we have multiple files with the same Label, etc.)

Proposed solution: the UI text that the Typesetter sees in the Typesetting Assignment should say something like "The Typeset Files section should only contain one representative file for each format. If you are uploading the first version of a new format, please upload a new Typeset File. If you are making revisions or corrections to an existing format, please use the 'Replace' option to upload the new version, rather than adding a new Typeset File."