BirkbeckCTP / typesetting

A plugin that replaced the Production and Proofing stages with an alternative process.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Allow production managers to create custom labels for each round of typesetting #192

Open pgoussy opened 1 year ago

pgoussy commented 1 year ago

Currently, typesetting assignments are automatically given numerical labels, e.g. "Round 1", "Round 2", etc. However, this doesn't provide any information at-a-glance about what each assignment actually represents. For instance, in MPS's workflow, Round 1 is typically PDF creation, Round 2 is typically PDF correction/revision, Round 3 is typically XML creation, and Round 4 (if it exists) is typically XML correction/revision. It would be convenient for the production managers (and, presumably, the typesetters as well) if the Create Typesetting Assignment screen offered the option of using a custom label for each assignment/round. If the custom label isn't filled in by the PM, then the default "Round #" should be used.

Below are a few examples/mockups of how I imagine these labels potentially being used by PMs: image image image