BirkbeckCTP / typesetting

A plugin that replaced the Production and Proofing stages with an alternative process.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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If "Corrections Required" selected, auto-assign new typesetting assignment to the same typesetter #193

Open pgoussy opened 1 year ago

pgoussy commented 1 year ago

At the moment, selecting "Corrections Required" on the "Review Typesetting" screen simply closes the current typesetting assignment. Similarly, selecting "Request Corrections" on the "Typesetting Article #" page simply opens a new (blank) typesetting round.

Instead, I would personally prefer that selecting "Corrections Required" do the following: (a) close the current typesetting assignment, (b) start a new typesetting round, and (c) create a new assignment that's automatically assigned to the same typesetter as the previous one.

(I was also entertaining the idea that "Corrections Required" could "re-open" the existing typesetting assignment, within the same round, so that feedback can be sent back to the typesetter for incorporation into a revised PDF/XML--basically the same workflow currently used in Copyediting. Though perhaps this is too dramatic of a change to the plugin's base functionality?)