BirkbeckCTP / typesetting

A plugin that replaced the Production and Proofing stages with an alternative process.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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On assignment creation screen, list Typeset Files in the "2. Select Files [for typesetting]" field #194

Open pgoussy opened 1 year ago

pgoussy commented 1 year ago

On the screen for creating a new typesetting assignment, even if I'm creating a new typesetting round for a revised PDF (or XML) I'm still forced to select a manuscript file in the "2. Select Files [for typesetting]" field. This is less than ideal, because for a 2pass PDF, the source file is the 1pass PDF, not the original MS--so indicating the MS as the source file might confuse the typesetter. In addition, the MS might no longer be accurate because further revisions were likely requested during the PDF/XML proofing process.

Therefore, I suggest removing the "5. Corrections" section and instead expanding the "2. Select Files" section to include Typeset Files in addition to the manuscripts/copyedited files. In my opinion, it would be more intuitive if, when requesting typesetting for a 2pass PDF, I could select the annotated-with-corrections 1pass PDF as my source file instead of a potentially out-of-date manuscript. Or, if I'm requesting 1pass XML, I might select the final/approved PDF as the source file. This would also provide more clarity/transparency for the PM creating the assignment, because the "2. Select Files" field does show full info for each of the available files, including upload/modify dates (whereas "5. Corrections" lists the file's Label and nothing else).

I suppose a simpler alternative might just be to not make "2. Select Files" a required field, and to leave the "5. Corrections" section as-is. Assuming we can get Apex on board with re-versioning Typeset Files instead of uploading duplicate versions of each format, we can probably make do with just the Label displayed in section 5.