Birkbjo / OctoPrint-Themeify

Beautiful themes for OctoPrint
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[Request] Define Bootstrap Colors for Default Themes #101

Open FormerLurker opened 3 years ago

FormerLurker commented 3 years ago


I'm having some theme conflicts with themeify and my plugin that I believe should be easy to resolve. The bootstrap colors are being cleared by some general styles on the themes for several element types (anchor, header, and probably some other less important elements). Normally this wouldn't be an issue, but text-error, text-warning are quite important for showing problems to users. It would be nice to have the other text color classes filled in for each default style too if that's possible, expecially text-success.

Here is an example of what the Discorded theme looks like in the Arc Welder plugin (please excuse the messy layout, this is still a work in progress):


The colors are fine for spans, paragraphs, and list elements, but the header and anchor color is being overwritten by the following rules:

.themeify.discorded a {
    color: #99aab5;

.themeify.discorded h1, .themeify.discorded h2, .themeify.discorded h3, .themeify.discorded h4 {
    color: #fff;

Here is what it looks like with themeify disabled:


I would rather not hard code colors for these items if at all possible.

Anyway, thanks for considering this!

Birkbjo commented 3 years ago


Thanks for this, will absolutely fix it!