Birkbjo / OctoPrint-Themeify

Beautiful themes for OctoPrint
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[request] Adjust pre and code colors for theme css #103

Open FormerLurker opened 3 years ago

FormerLurker commented 3 years ago

Sorry to add another request, but I noticed that some themes are missing some color definitions for pre and code tags, perhaps caused by some other elements (in this case, pnotify, which is embedded within OctoPrint).

Here is an example without themeify:


Here is an example with discorded enabled:


Here is an example of the css affecting these tags:

.themeify.discorded code {
    background-color: #656b76;
    border: none;

This would resolve the display issue

.themeify.discorded code {
    border: none;
    color: #fff

.themeify.discorded pre {
    background-color: #656b76;

Here is a snapshot of the result:


Thanks for considering this!

Birkbjo commented 3 years ago

I'm a bit confused as this should be properly overridden:

Screenshot 2020-11-10 at 15 35 37

This is a code-tag, and this is applied:

             background-color: #656b76;
             border: none;
FormerLurker commented 3 years ago

The background color needs to be set on the pre tag too, else it will use the bootstrap default seen here:


That is why the background is white for the pre, but dark for the code within the pre.

FormerLurker commented 3 years ago

Oh, I see what you mean. The code tag needs the background color set too:

.themeify.discorded code {
    background-color: #656b76;
    border: none;

.themeify.discorded pre {
    background-color: #656b76;

Inline code in markdown is not surrounded by a pre, but a code block is.

Birkbjo commented 3 years ago

Ah right, I'm missing the styles on the pre. Thanks, will fix in next release.

LRTNZ commented 3 years ago

I was just updating octoprint, and ended up getting this error when updating: image This was using version 1.2.2 of Themeify, with the Discoranged theme applied. It appears as if there is still an issue with the plugin, as this is what it looks like without Themeify enabled: image