BirminghamConservatoire / IntegraLive

Integra Live is an application that makes it easy to use interactive audio processing to create new music
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Overlapping scenes #753

Open SiskaAdam opened 11 years ago

SiskaAdam commented 11 years ago

Add a possibility for scenes to overlap. A practical scenario where this could be useful: imagine a block with an envelope. With the current options, there is no way to define two different loops on this block would start at the same place, but would have different durations.

jamiebullock commented 11 years ago

This is an interesting proposition. It wouldn't work with the current architecture because blocks are "one voice". For what your are describing to work, it would require an instance of each block per associated scene. Obviously this wouldn't need to be shown in the UI, but in the backend, this is what would need to happen.

We've been thinking about how we might handle "multiple timelines" for a while now, which is basically what you're talking about here. I'm going to leave this issue open, but not assign it any specific milestone. That is, it won't get actioned imminently, but it is on our radar!

SiskaAdam commented 11 years ago

Your answer makes me wonder whether I made my point clear enough. While making blocks "multi-voice" would surely open a door to a lot of new possibilities, I'm not sure whether you really need that for what I was thinking about. My suggestion was only about adding some feature like this: if I press button "1", it starts the block in continuous playback mode; but if I press button "2", it starts the same block, but in looping mode. Unless blocks are children of scenes, this seems to be achievable using a single instance of the same block (thus, keeping the setup "single voiced"). I'm not expecting to run two different scenes simultaneously.