BirminghamConservatoire / JohannesTinctoris

Editing and rendering text and music notation for online edition of music treatises
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Variants break oblique ligatures #31

Closed annplaksin closed 3 years ago

annplaksin commented 3 years ago

Variants within oblique ligatures break the rendering of them: grafik

<piece: {mensural: void}, {staf: 5, red}> 
{clef: C8} {solm: 0} {mens: Ø11}PL7-11x3 
<lig><obl>Bg Be</obl></lig> 
<lig><obl>{var="Bd" V BU Br1 : "Be" G} Bc</obl></lig> Bc Bc
annplaksin commented 3 years ago

Just mentioning: Variants break the MEI export too

<clef xml:id="ID2ec13c73-7fbf-493e-8cb8-38e6f480de79" shape="C" line="3"/>
<keySig xml:id="IDc5e7ab40-d468-438f-8a4a-6c766d399c9a"/>
<mensur xml:id="ID691e5bb2-2be0-45dc-8c89-7d4b6d7f7c8a" sign="O" tempus="3" dot="true" prolatio="3"/>
<rest dur="3B" xml:id="ID96d431db-4400-4d81-8a71-1b767338a47f"/>
<rest dur="3B" xml:id="IDe259683e-7737-4f07-83ce-7b894b914f58"/>
<rest dur="3B" xml:id="ID683ea2f9-be28-4b59-8f55-e0b1e7dbaa3f"/>
<ligature form="obliqua" xml:id="ID8736a12d-cd77-40b5-851c-457dbb00d765">
    <note lig="obliqua" xml:id="ID24ff9b1e-8fb6-40fa-8d18-56b1c87584b9" dur="brevis" pname="e" oct="4"/>
<note xml:id="ID27d0faec-b42d-499a-8b4a-311c1c4bca75" dur="maxima" pname="d" oct="4"/>
<note xml:id="IDe73b1502-de3b-4866-83f6-3a3a59c42a26" dur="longa" pname="e" oct="4"/>
<note xml:id="ID0b686f1d-454a-477b-885c-18f78e244fef" dur="brevis" pname="f" oct="4" colored="true"/>
<ligature form="obliqua" xml:id="ID18c4d742-d587-456d-87dd-0ee22504801c">
   <note lig="obliqua" xml:id="ID63128861-d591-4fb1-8436-94190f315773" dur="brevis" pname="c" oct="4"/>
<note xml:id="IDecba62f5-87d4-4234-80aa-fd744abd8f78" dur="longa" pname="d" oct="4" colored="true"/>
annplaksin commented 3 years ago

Retrieving the correct members of an oblique with variants was broken.


<piece: {mensural: void}, {staf: 5, red}> 
{clef: C8} {solm: 0} {mens: Ø11}PL7-11x3 
<lig><obl>{var="Bf" V BU Br1 : "Be" G} {var="Bd" V BU Br1 : "Bc" G}</obl></lig>
<lig><obl>{var="Bd" V BU Br1 : "Be" G} Bc</obl></lig>
<lig><obl>Bf {var="Bd" V BU Br1 : "Bc" G}</obl></lig> 
<lig><obl>Bd Bc</obl></lig>

(MEI export still needs to be fixed)

annplaksin commented 3 years ago

MEI export for oblique choice haven't been implemented yet. Default reading will be exported for now...