BirthdayResearch / defichain-app

DeFi Blockchain desktop app for Windows, Linux and Mac.
MIT License
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Seed Phrase instead of .bak #1162

Open thbestforyourbizdeployment opened 2 years ago

thbestforyourbizdeployment commented 2 years ago

Issue: hello, ive been using the seed phrase to restore my wallet every time there is a problem. I was told today, that Seed phrase are not working anymore. I have installed the native app and the in Desktop (Linux, OS X and Windows ) same issue using the seed phrase. tried the native app defichain mobile in android same issue. QUESTION: What is the most recent version I can download the native desktop app in Linux or Windows to be able to enter my seed phrase and then be able to keep using the backup?

defichain-bot commented 2 years ago

@thbestforyourbizdeployment: Thanks for opening an issue, it is currently awaiting triage.

The triage/accepted label can be added by foundation members by writing /triage accepted in a comment.

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thbestforyourbizdeployment commented 2 years ago

Anyone can assist please!

defichain-bot commented 2 years ago

@thbestforyourbizdeployment: Thanks for opening an issue, it is currently awaiting triage.

The triage/accepted label can be added by foundation members by writing /triage accepted in a comment.

In the meantime, you can:

  1. Checkout DeFiChain’s Github issue page to see if your issue has already been reported
  2. Submit any logs if you have them, this will greatly expedite the process for us.
  3. You can also join our Telegram or Reddit community channels.
Details I am a bot created to help the [DeFiCh]( developers manage community feedback and contributions. You can check out my [manifest file]( to understand my behavior and what I can do. If you want to use this for your project, you can check out the [DeFiCh/oss-governance-bot]( repository.
prasannavl commented 2 years ago

Not sure why the seed phrase shouldn't be working as expected on ones created with it. But moving to the appropriate repo.

izzycsy commented 2 years ago

Hi @thbestforyourbizdeployment , 24 words has been on halt for desktop wallet since v2.3.0, if you're using DeFiChain Desktop app, wallet passphrase and wallet.dat are the keys to your wallet — please backup and keep them safe. This Github does not respond to issues regarding saiive wallet, you'll have to go onto their GitHub instead if anything.

Back to your enquiry, the DeFiChain Light Wallet app's & Desktop app's restoration methods are irrelevant; meaning to say you can't load the 24 words from mobile app on to the desktop app and neither can you load the wallet.dat from the desktop to mobile. If you would like to rely on seed phrase, I'd recommend installing Light Wallet (saving the hassle of running a full node wallet), you'll have to create a new wallet and transfer your funds to the mobile app and continue using from there.

The team is currently working on integrating the mobile & desktop app — so you can use the same 24 words account concurrently. As for now, these are 2 independent applications. Hope this resolves your issue.

Latest desktop version: v2.9.3

thbestforyourbizdeployment commented 2 years ago

Hello @izzycsy thanks for the update. Can I downgrade to a specific version that I can then use my seed phrase? v2.2.9? I need to fix this then move on. i don't have any other way to recover my funds.

izzycsy commented 2 years ago

Hi @thbestforyourbizdeployment , you can try but it comes a long with previous bugs & you'll be on another chain, the version before v2.3.0 is v2.1.17. If successful, you'll need to update to v2.9.3 and reindex to be on the right chain.

Alternatively, if you've your wallet.dat, I highly suggest that you use it to restore your wallet instead. If you did not change Windows PC and did not do anything with DeFi App except updating, you'll find the wallet.dat here:

Windows — C: 
\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\DeFi Blockchain\wallets

wallet dat location

• In the wallets folder you'll likely see wallet-bak-123456789 as well, these are additional backups. *Note: the wallets folder is a default location and should not be moved

thbestforyourbizdeployment commented 2 years ago

yes, thats the problem, Restored both Linux and Windows machines and didn't save the wallet.dat.

thbestforyourbizdeployment commented 2 years ago

Is there a URL to download the node/chain image?

thbestforyourbizdeployment commented 2 years ago

Hello @izzycsy Is there a URL to download the node/chain image?? its stuck at 99.34% , 1st time it reached 99.97% then it went down to 99.34%

izzycsy commented 2 years ago

yes, thats the problem, Restored both Linux and Windows machines and didn't save the wallet.dat.

Do you mean you didn't save your wallet.dat?

Is there a URL to download the node/chain image?? its stuck at 99.34% , 1st time it reached 99.97% then it went down to 99.34%

You can access snapshot via desktop app; #899 . May I know what version are you currently on?

thbestforyourbizdeployment commented 2 years ago

@izzycsy using v2.1.17 I didn't save anything. only have my seed phrase.

izzycsy commented 2 years ago

Hi @thbestforyourbizdeployment , may I know on which platform did you first get your seed phrase generated? On desktop app /

thbestforyourbizdeployment commented 2 years ago

@izzycsy defichain Native wallet, itv'e been with defichain since 2020

izzycsy commented 2 years ago

Hi @thbestforyourbizdeployment , thanks for the reply. Try synchronizing to 100% on v2.11.0. When app is synchronized, select Restore wallet from Recovery Seed. Beyond that, there's no other way to Restore wallet, it's either via recovery seed or wallet.dat.

thbestforyourbizdeployment commented 2 years ago

@izzycsy @thedoublejay thanks for the update. The app sync's 100%, using 2.11.0, but no balance is displayed. The last transaction show is December, however I did use it long after December. LP is zero balance too. balance

nico89-exp commented 2 years ago

Have you set a password in the native wallet app? If that your seed phrase cannot recover funds from addresses after setting the password. With setting the password only the wallet.dat can be used to fully recover the funds.

thbestforyourbizdeployment commented 2 years ago

@izzycsy @thedoublejay So basically, I am screwed becase I don't have the .dat file? but I still have my seed phrase. What kind of recovery tech is this? If there is no other way, I will have to stop using this ecosystem.

izzycsy commented 2 years ago

Hi @thbestforyourbizdeployment sorry to say but @nico89-exp is right, your seed phrase cannot recover funds from addresses after setting the password. Only with the wallet.dat you can.

thedoublejay commented 2 years ago

@thbestforyourbizdeployment Try to check the folder of defi/wallets folder. See if there are automatic .dat generated that you can use

thbestforyourbizdeployment commented 2 years ago

@izzycsy I was able to get my wife PC and I had installed the app in 2021. I am able to see a DFI balance now. I am not able to see the LP balance. Any idas?

thbestforyourbizdeployment commented 2 years ago

is there a cmdlet to see the LP address or history so I can add?

thbestforyourbizdeployment commented 2 years ago

What does account to account mean? 2 address on the same wallet? My problem now is that I am not able to see the LP balance. Is there a way to see all my address used before? and see if they have balance? image

izzycsy commented 2 years ago

@thbestforyourbizdeployment accounttoaccount refers to a transaction sent from one to another.

You can add your address to your app if the wallet.dat is yours, toggle off Automatically generate a new address.

Receive   Manually add address