BirthdayResearch / defichain-app

DeFi Blockchain desktop app for Windows, Linux and Mac.
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Wallet is not syncing anymore and stops after loading snapshot, showing balance 0 (new created wallet works) #1170

Closed dusterhub closed 2 years ago

dusterhub commented 2 years ago

Hello there,

I need help to figure out what happend to my wallet and how to restore it.

Actual behavior:

My wallet loaded in the defi desktop app is not syncing anymore and shows balance 0 for everything (except sometimes utxo token has a balance). -> loading different versions of my .dat files belonging to my wallet --> sync stops with the progress of the snapshot, balance is 0 -> no wallet loaded in app --> app syncs to 100% and continues to sync -> new created wallet loaded --> app syncs to 100% and continues to sync -> I used the light wallet for android and loaded my wallet with my seed - worked to load but balance is 0 (but as I understood this one as normal since the desktop app and the light app are using different layers?!)

Here is what I have done and captured with screenshots the last 2 days: step 1.: loaded old .dat from separate folder - screenshots 01-39 step 2.: loaded the newest .dat that was created in standard folder while loading oldest .dat from separete folder (=step 1) - screenshots 41-50 step 3.: loaded .dat from separete folder that was created in december 21 while wallet was working perfectly - december 18th 2021 - screenshots 61-68

Here is what I have tried to restore my wallet over the last weeks:

Expected behavior:

My wallet should sync and show the correct balance.

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):

Find screenshots attached.

What are your environment parameters?

Anything else we need to know?

Find attached:

--> the "app log.log" contains the period of all the problems and steps mentioned above, I cut out everything before 2021-10-31 (wallet worked fine until december 2021) -- if data from before is needed let me know --> I edited the app log file and replaced amounts with "", addresses with numbers (1,2,3...) and passwords with "yyy".

Thank you in advance, I am glad for every help!!!

updated Screenshots )

defichain-bot commented 2 years ago

@dusterhub: Thanks for opening an issue, it is currently awaiting triage.

The triage/accepted label can be added by foundation members by writing /triage accepted in a comment.

In the meantime, you can:

  1. Checkout DeFiChain’s Github issue page to see if your issue has already been reported
  2. Submit any logs if you have them, this will greatly expedite the process for us.
  3. You can also join our Telegram or Reddit community channels.
Details I am a bot created to help the [DeFiCh]( developers manage community feedback and contributions. You can check out my [manifest file]( to understand my behavior and what I can do. If you want to use this for your project, you can check out the [DeFiCh/oss-governance-bot]( repository.
DomNik01 commented 2 years ago

Hello support team

I have exactly the same problem with older backup files these are simply no longer synchronized! When a new walllet is created it syncs without problems however it also has no data to sync but the sync status ends successfully! Can an old wallet.bak file become corrupt and how to make all the money like? I hope that the 24 word recovery in the light wallet will work otherwise I'm a bit afraid for my fortune!

What else can be done if the bak file does not synchronize I would send the whole fortune on a light wallet! Thank you for your competent answer.

After 12 houers sync also no liquidity pools are displayed this is very frustrating where yet at the beginning of the Desktop Walet 2 years ago still worked. New is not always better.

@[dusterhub] Can you please post the solution if you get an answer from support. Thanks

Tomibaer commented 2 years ago

Hello support team

I have exactly the same problem with older backup files these are simply no longer synchronized! When a new walllet is created it syncs without problems however it also has no data to sync but the sync status ends successfully!

Thank you in advance, I am glad for every help!!!

@[dusterhub] Can you please post the solution if you get an answer from support. Thanks

Hallo zusammen, gibt es hier irgend eine lösung? wie oben beschrieben - aktualsiert sich die walltet dach dem Snap auf 100% sobald das Backup geladen wird - dann bekomme auch ich hier die sepben fehler.

I exited my wallet and generated a new one - the app loaded with this new wallet and keeps syncing to 100% - new wallet exits smoothly no errors occur

Danke im Voraus für die Unterstützung Beste Grüß Tom

Tomibaer commented 2 years ago

If no one has an idea, no one can help, or no one wants to help!

dusterhub commented 2 years ago

Hello support team,

please let us know how we could help to give you the most useful information. do you need more information? do you need a shorter description? thanks in advance!

@all: has anybody an idea what could have happend to the .dat files or is the problem located somewhere else?

@all: has anybody an idea how to access the coins from another wallet / light wallet etc.?

DomNik01 commented 2 years ago

It can't be that no one from support knows a solution! The problem can be easily reproduced by simply trying to import an old bak file. Extra still a new notebook procured problem exists however furthermore also on the new notebook

izzycsy commented 2 years ago

Hi @dusterhub , thanks for the detailed explanation, please give us time to investigate.

@dusterhub @Tomibaer @DomNik01 are you on v2.12.0? It'll help if you can provide the following information:

In the mean time, please keep a copy of your wallets folder + passphrase — keep it safe. To find wallet.dat:

Windows —
C: \Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\DeFi Blockchain\wallets

Mac — Go to Folder: /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Defi/wallets

wallet dat location

If you see files named with wallet-bak123456.dat are also backups.

DomNik01 commented 2 years ago

DeFiCh/app Version: DeFi Wallet v2.12.0 Node v2.7.0

Operating System (OS): Windows

Windows 10 Pro 20H2 Build 19042.1682

– RAM (GB): 16.0 GB

– CPU (Intel Core i5/i7/etc.):
11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz 2.80 GHz

Current free storage capacity:

330GB free Storage

The Wallet.dat I have on a USB stick but it helps me there not, if it can no longer synchronize, Hope you are on it that the wallet seed in the Lights wallet will work otherwise I see a big problem for my fortune,


thedoublejay commented 2 years ago

@DomNik01 based on your last screenshots, you we're still on 2.9.3 (which will not work now due to hard fork). Can you confirm if you have these issues on the latest app version?

dusterhub commented 2 years ago

@thedoublejay the screenshots from the original post have been created on version 2.9.3 - the latest version at that time. I have the same problems with the current version 2.12. I'll create a new protocol with screenshots for 2.12.

DomNik01 commented 2 years ago

Why on 2.9.3 I am on 2.12 and can not sync the old Backup,dat,


No coins on the Dex no addresses are displayed and the liquidity is not loaded


DomNik01 commented 2 years ago

How do I get the coins and liquidity back on a running wallet?

thedoublejay commented 2 years ago

@DomNik01 Is it the same for 100% sync?

DomNik01 commented 2 years ago

It never synchronizes to 100% the network error comes before! This after everything has run for 5 hours!



dusterhub commented 2 years ago

@izzycsy @thedoublejay I just updated the original post with new screenshots of the 2.12 wallet version.

Every screenshot is named with the action that happened while I was syncing the desktop app without a loaded wallet and afterwards loading my wallet with the corrupt(?) .dat file.

If the log files will help you investigating please let me know.


Tomibaer commented 2 years ago

DeFiCh/app Version: DeFi Wallet v2.12.0 Node v2.7.0

Operating System (OS): Windows Server 2019 – RAM (GB): 6 GB – CPU AMD (with IBPB) 2.50 Ghz Current free storage capacity: 150GB

When I load the snap then syncs wallet to 100% - As soon as I load the wallet.dat, no sync goes to 100% error messages are the same -->DomNik01 I did another try! Reset & Reindex -> Wallet sync 5 days to about 80% and does not go any further - balance is displayed but not complete
If I now restart the wallet comes another error message and everything has to be restarted. error [2022-05-09 18:09:59.589] [IPC-RENDERER-error] [getBlockSyncInfo] "timeout of 5000ms exceeded" or [2022-05-02 17:51:49.327] [IPC-RENDERER-error] "Network Error" [2022-05-02 17:51:49.421] [IPC-RENDERER-error] [queueWorker] " so the error is not solved Ahhhh Thanks for the support

dusterhub commented 2 years ago

@Tomibaer "I did another try! Reset & Reindex -> Wallet sync 5 days to about 80% and does not go any further - balance is displayed but not complete" --> I had the same process going: I was syncing from 0% without a snapshot. I started and synced until 60% or so but I decided it would take too long so I stopped. it showed the right balance at that point of the blockchain.

This seems to me that at some point at the blockchain the wallet.dat version was not valid anymore. Maybe there has been any event like a hard fork at that specific block? Could we as the user have done something wrong to generate a corrupt backup at that point? .. just thinking, maybe someone has an answer.

@Tomibaer can you tell the exact block at your 80% mark where it stopped syncing?

I appreciate any details and knowledge about that. Thanks.

Tomibaer commented 2 years ago

@dusterhub Block 1509410 80.79%

ThomasKoppensteiner commented 2 years ago

My brother has the same issue with the desktop app. As soon as he recreates the wallet (either from a backup or with the phrase) the sync stops (v2.12.0) and the wallet balance is not updated. Without an active wallet the sync works. We tested this on Windows and MacOS.

Rincel commented 2 years ago

I have the same problems. the problems started around January 2022. The syncronisatzion after the snapshot download became slower and slower. It took hours for the last 0.xx percent. Now it does not go on at all.

System: Win 10 Pro 21H1 16 GB RAM 120 GB Free HDD

Attempts to solve them so far:

  1. uninstalled the app and deleted all folders. "user\xxx.defi" "User\xxx\Appdata\Roaming\DEFI Blockchain" "User\xxx\Appdata\Roaming\Defi-wallet" "User\xxx\Appdata\Local\Programs\Defi Wallet"
  2. app 2.12 reinstalled
  3. download snapshot and sync to 100%
  4. wallet backup loaded
  5. no sync Alternatv Steps 1 and 2 Repeated and Synced without Snapshot. Sync starts and gets slower and slower. After 80 hours about 44% reached. The syncronisation was barely faster than the creation of new blocks. Therefore, I aborted it.

Translated with (free version )

dusterhub commented 2 years ago

@Rincel @ThomasKoppensteiner @Tomibaer @DomNik01 May I ask If you have set a password for your wallet.dat? I did it around February 2022. I was able to unlock the wallet after that a few times (can't tell how many days/weeks) but then it stopped syncing. Maybe this process of setting a password could be a reason why our wallet.dat files seems to be "broken"?

And my second question to all of you: do you know the date/block when your wallet stopped syncing the first time? Maybe it is the same block that all of our wallet.dat files can't sync anymore.

Happy to hear an expert opinion from the support on this one as well.

Tomibaer commented 2 years ago

@dusterhub @izzycsy @thedoublejay @ThomasKoppensteiner I have had my password since the beginning. And it still works now. December/January has everything worked. stopped syncing the first time?Block 150-1509365 as far as I know there was a hardforg here Does anyone know the exact date of the hardforg?

Happy to hear an expert opinion from the support on this one as well. Thanks in advance

Tomibaer commented 2 years ago

Hello everyone, has anyone found a solution yet? Happy to hear an expert opinion from the support on this one as well. Thanks in advance

thedoublejay commented 2 years ago

@Tomibaer which version are you using?

dusterhub commented 2 years ago

@thedoublejay @izzycsy all of us are using the current version 2.12.0.

The apps are syncing to 100% if

This has happened 4-5 months ago with the current app version at this point and it is still happening now with the current 2.12.0 version.

We can not access our wallet anymore right now. We need help to find out what went wrong. We still have our original wallet.dat files.

Find attached my screenshot protocol. If you need logs etc. please let me know.

Please help us investigate what happened. This is a serious problem for us.

updated Screenshots

Thank you.

thedoublejay commented 2 years ago

@dusterhub Would you mind sending your app and binary logs?

Rincel commented 2 years ago

I set up the wallet in March 2021 and immediately secured it with a password. I have not changed it since then. Backups of the Wallet.dat: 2021: March; August to December 2022: January and February I have stored the wallets in different places.

I tried the wallet from March 2021, started with a snapshot and tried the repair methods.

Result: No 100% synchronisation, but no total stop either. However, the sync ran so slowly that more new blocks were added than were synchronised.

The logs are attached.

I am now very frustrated as there have been reports of synchronisation problems for about 6 months and so far no solution has been found. If the problem is not fixed, our investments would be lost and the trust in the token and the software would suffer considerably. Maybe you could set up a trust centre and test our Wallet.dat directly. As long as they are secured with a password, no payouts would be possible, right?

Greetings Rincel

Translated with (free version Log Wallet )

thedoublejay commented 2 years ago

@Rincel I saw on the logs that yours just got timeout. Are you syncing from snapshot? Or from 0?

Rincel commented 2 years ago


Since I've tried many restores, I'll try displaying the attempt with the March 2021 version:

LOGS: backup03-2021-app1.log and backup03-2021-app2.log and backup03-2021-node3.log.

Procedure on 18.05.2022

  1. uninstall and delete all folders (see post above).
  2. restart
  3. install 2.12.
  4. start 2.12 and download snapshot and sync to 100% (Apptime: 12.31 to 14:35 / Nodetime: 10:31 to 12:35)
  5. backup of the wallet from March 2021 loaded. History after restore (Apptime) 14:38 1,893,320 of 1,893,911 difference 4 blocks 15:15 1,893,331 of 1,893,386 difference 55 blocks 19:33 1,893,907 of 1,893,911 difference 4 blocks 19:34 1,893,908 from 1,893,911 difference 3 blocks 20:16 1,893,912 from 1,893,988 difference 76 blocks .... 19.05.2022:

22:22 1.903.500 of 1.908.645 difference 5145 blocks --> abort

26.05.2022 Previous installation accepted and reindex started

Log hangs at

13:01 start Reindex

19:02 642337 from 1,916,850.00
21:37 689467 from 1,917,142.00

27.05.2022 12:00 861914 .... to be continued

The question is why are there no timeouts with a new wallet but there are when loading a backup.

I can also try both again with a reinstall and log.

Would logs of a new wallet vs. the logs with a backup help?

Greetings Rincel

Translated with (free version )

dusterhub commented 2 years ago

@thedoublejay sure, my log files and screenshots are attached.

I have a lot of backup wallet.dat files as well, starting from 2021/01 to 2022/05 - no one is syncing anymore.

I downloaded a snapshot and then synced to 100% without a wallet loaded. After loading my wallet the sync stops. when loading a new created wallet the sync works fine. So same behavior as Rincel described.

Let me know if I can support you with more information.


updated Screenshots

ThomasKoppensteiner commented 2 years ago

@thedoublejay are you already able to reproduce the bug on your side?

thedoublejay commented 2 years ago

@ThomasKoppensteiner Nope, we're not able to reproduce. Both on Mac/Windows. I'm still investigating the logs

Tomibaer commented 2 years ago

@thedoublejay and has anyone found a solution? or what information is still missing that we can come to a solution! thanks in advance

DomNik01 commented 2 years ago

It can not be that you can not reproduce the problem obviously we all have the same problem! Logs you find to

We would like to have a solution here!!!

Or brings a working Ligth wallet out where also the 24 words of the desktop wallet work!

dusterhub commented 2 years ago

@thedoublejay thank you very much for your time and effort. Let me know if you need more information - we all want to find a solution to get the access to our wallets back.

ThomasKoppensteiner commented 2 years ago

I saw on the logs that yours just got timeout.

The logs from my brothers wallet also showed some timeouts, IIRC. (I'll ask him for some logs next weekend). The question for me is, why does the sync sometimes timeout for recreated wallets, but not for new wallets?

Is this even an issue of the wallet software or could it be that the counterparty (some kind of node, i guess) has issues with some wallets and therefore the response takes longer as expected?

What happens after a timeout with the (network) connection? Is it reset/reopend?

ThomasKoppensteiner commented 2 years ago

My brother just told me, that the latest version 2.13.0 might fix the issue for him.

The comparision to the previous versions shows, that PR #1189 is part of the new release. It changed the SYNC_TIMEOUT from 10000 to 30000 (here). I'm not sure if this is related or not, but it sounds interesting to me.

Can someone please confirm the fix?

thedoublejay commented 2 years ago

@ThomasKoppensteiner I don't think it's related. This syncing issue might be on the node side than the app itself. We're asking them to check it on their side

thedoublejay commented 2 years ago

But let us know if this is fixed on the latest version @dusterhub

Rincel commented 2 years ago

@thedoublejay Yeah, with version 2.13, my wallet synced back up to 100%. I could even exchange coins. Once I had a short network error, but it disappeared again. I will continue to test the wallet over the next few days.

Many thanks


Tomibaer commented 2 years ago

I've now installed the update. after using the snapshot

dusterhub commented 2 years ago

@thedoublejay here is my update with screenshots and log files attached. I just installed 2.13.0.

I will let it sync to see if there is any more progress. after that I will reindex the wallet and load a snapshot to see if this changes anything.


DomNik01 commented 2 years ago

It doesn't work yet! I can't sync my wallet since July 2021! I also tried several backups. There is still no one who has a clue what it can be due to.

thedoublejay commented 2 years ago

@DomNik01 On any backups that you have, it doesn't load? Also, do you have this backup after encryption?

DomNik01 commented 2 years ago

Yes all BAckup are encrypted and can not synchronize My guess is also that it has something to do with the encryption. Or the new DEFI app can't handle the old encryption.



it also requires you to enter a new password again and again, even though the wallet is encrypted. A new password can also not be set! The stocks also do not synchronize!

DomNik01 commented 2 years ago

OMG the synchronization works again! What I did: Synchronize from 0 -40% then load the snapshot and continue synchronizing until 100%. After that I Restart Node and scan for missing addresses, then all the inventories were displayed cleanly again,

dusterhub commented 2 years ago

@DomNik01 sounds great. I guess you upgraded to v.2.14? Did you reindexed the wallet before you started the sync or how do you startet at 0%? and two more questions: How to restart a node? How to scan for missing addresses?

izzycsy commented 2 years ago

@DomNik01 good to hear, please backup your wallet.dat and keep it safe.

@dusterhub To Reindex wallet (restart node):

Menu bar   Re-index Wallet

Guide here: Snapshot download

To scan for missing addresses: Settings > Show wallet help options > RESCAN

izzycsy commented 2 years ago

@ThomasKoppensteiner @Rincel , you may try updating to v2.14.0. Kindly backup wallet and read through the release notes before updating.

ThomasKoppensteiner commented 2 years ago

My brother just told me, that the latest version 2.13.0 might fix the issue for him.

The comparision to the previous versions shows, that PR #1189 is part of the new release. It changed the SYNC_TIMEOUT from 10000 to 30000 (here). I'm not sure if this is related or not, but it sounds interesting to me.

Can someone please confirm the fix?

@izzycsy for my brother the previous release 2.13.0 with the node update to version 2.8.0 fixed the issue. He was able to move some assets to another wallet.