Bishbash777 / SEDB-RELOADED

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Addition to ping when servers have extended downtime #50

Open SirDooters opened 1 year ago

SirDooters commented 1 year ago

Give the ability to go and have a timeout that will ping when the server is down an extended period of time to notify discord members (individuals or a role) when it has passed its expiry time, with the additional feature to turn on repeated pings (and the time between them) if it is not resolved after the first ping

dorimanx commented 1 year ago

When Torch is down, plugin is down with it, how it's will send PING when server host is crashed?

I dont think it's something that can be done, you need other external application that will check torch service and server availability and connect to your discord, and send you pings if server is down.

Such application is already business class, and will not be written for free :)