BishopFox / theos-jailed

A version of Theos/CydiaSubstrate for non-jailbroken iOS devices
326 stars 54 forks source link

Codesign Failed #15

Open carson-katri opened 8 years ago

carson-katri commented 8 years ago

[+] Unpacking the .ipa file (/Users/carson/Desktop/reddit/Reddit.ipa)... [+] Copying .dylib dependences into ".patchapp.cache/Payload/" [+] Codesigning .dylib dependencies with certificate "" .patchapp.cache/Payload/ Codesign failed. Have you ran 'make' yet?

Got this far... Any idea why it can't find my .mobileprovision file?


Also found where this happens:

sign all of the .dylib files we're injecting into the app

    echo '[+] Codesigning .dylib dependencies with certificate "'$CODESIGN_$
    for file in "$APPDIR/${DYLIB##*/}" "$APPDIR/CydiaSubstrate" "$APPDIR/ap$
            echo '     '$file
            codesign -fs "$CODESIGN_NAME" "$file" >& /dev/null
            if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
                    echo "Codesign failed. Have you ran 'make' yet?"
                    exit 1