GIVEN a prebuilt four letter word that has an "i" as the second character
WHEN attempting to unredact
THEN it produces incorrect output
What should the expected behavior be
GIVEN a prebuilt four letter word that has an "i" as the second character
WHEN attempting to unredact
THEN it should solve for the given word and prodcue output that matches the word used to build the file
Platform Affected
[X ] Production
Steps to Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior
Using the tool select "Make Your Own Redacted Text" with a four letter word that has an "i" as the second character.
Then run the tool against those files.
Example words that had improper output:
WORD / Guess
sink / sb
viva / vr u
kilt / kd
tick / tos
Description of Bug
GIVEN a prebuilt four letter word that has an "i" as the second character WHEN attempting to unredact THEN it produces incorrect output
What should the expected behavior be
GIVEN a prebuilt four letter word that has an "i" as the second character WHEN attempting to unredact THEN it should solve for the given word and prodcue output that matches the word used to build the file
Platform Affected
[X ] Production
Steps to Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior
Using the tool select "Make Your Own Redacted Text" with a four letter word that has an "i" as the second character. Then run the tool against those files.
Example words that had improper output: WORD / Guess sink / sb viva / vr u kilt / kd tick / tos
Additional context
Kali / Firefox