Bismuth-Forge / bismuth

KDE Plasma add-on, that tiles your windows automatically and lets you manage them via keyboard, similarly to i3, Sway or dwm.
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[FEATURE]: Allow Meta+Arrow Keys to Swap Windows #434

Open Jazztache opened 1 year ago

Jazztache commented 1 year ago


Allow Meta+Arrow Keys to Swap Windows.

A clear and concise description of what you want to happen

On non-floating, tiled windows that are being managed by an existing layout, allow Meta + Arrow keys as a way to swap around positions of windows within a layout.

This is despite it having a different function on floating windows. The big reason I don't want it to just do what KDE currently does (Snap to Edge for Floating Windows), is that within the bounds of staying true to the current layout being tiles (Spiral, Quarter, Tile, e.t.c), snapping to edge like normal KDE would interrupt that existing logic.

A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

This itself is meant to be a solution to the fact that Meta + Arrow keys currently has no functionality, and in fact, conflicts with the existing functionality on non-floating windows.

Snap To Edge, the default for Meta+Arrow Keys wouldn't make sense for the existing functionality, and the vim-style Meta+Ctrl+H/J/K/L have issues in some cases, even when I changed it to Meta+Ctrl+I/J/K/L.

Additional info

This video pretty much explains everything. It's a 4-minute watch of me demonstrating. My audio balancing is a bit loud because of OBS, so turn down the volume a bit. Sorry! It is heavily reccommended to take a look at this as I visually demonstrate and narrate why the current way of doing this has flaws