Bismuth-Forge / bismuth

KDE Plasma add-on, that tiles your windows automatically and lets you manage them via keyboard, similarly to i3, Sway or dwm.
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[Bug]: Unable to move window to screen via keyboard shortcut. Still a problem. #466

Open KirilOkun opened 1 year ago

KirilOkun commented 1 year ago


With a 2 screen setup the keyboard shortcut can move window from the main screen to the other one but not back. Instead of moving to the main screen the widow shifts from its tiled position to the left a a couple of centimeters. Using Move to the right shortcut tiles it again.
This problem has been reported in issues 370, 360, and 218. None of the workarounds described there worked and the problem still persists. This exact functionality worked fine in Krohnkite on this same Kubuntu 22.04 box with all of the latest updates installed.

Steps to Reproduce

Use keyboard shortcut for Move-to-Next-Screen

Expected behavior

Window moves to the next screen


No response

Bismuth version

The latest from apt instal kwin-bismuth

KDE Plasma version


The platform KWin is running on


Additional context

No response

KirilOkun commented 1 year ago

Wow. days passed and no response to a critical bug. I guess if you have only a single monitor it's fine, but anybody with multiple monitor setups better stay with Krohnkite. Bismuth is not ready for production use.

Paulsenik commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue. I noticed that the "Window to Screen X"-Shortcut is a native one from KDE-Plasma. Is the movement of Windows to another screen even supported by Bismuth?

Version: 2.3.0ubuntu1 amd64 (from the apt repository)

KDE Plasma: 5.26.5

KirilOkun commented 1 year ago

@realPaulsen yours to s the first response to this bug. This project is dead. Use Krohnkite instead. It works as it should.

tmerse commented 1 year ago

Currently having the same problem. One workaround is to make the window/client you want to move a floating window (as it seems to stop whatever is preventing it from moving), or change the layout to floating altogether and than move any window by shortcut.

Not a nice solution, but It somewhat works for my purpose (multimonitor setup + if one monitor is switched to another input, I want to move all clients to the remaining screen).

ChrKostaras commented 1 year ago

@KirilOkun Please try to be more informed and do a better research before commenting

@realPaulsen yours to s the first response to this bug. This project is dead. Use Krohnkite instead. It works as it should.

  1. The project isn't dead, last action was 3 days ago.
  2. The bug has a probable fix, you can find it here #419. I tested the fix and it worked for me.
  3. Having tested Krohnkite and Bismuth on the same installation, I can safely say that a. Bismuth is more responsive and better integrated with the DE b. It offers window gaps settings without needing added scripts c. Handles tiling better by offering distinct layouts that i couldn't find on Krohnkite such as Spiral and 3 column.


    Ubuntu Studio 22.04

    KDE Plasma version




Edit: It appears that the project is being deprecated for Plasma 5.27 try the fix if you want sorry for wasting your time.