Bismuth-Forge / bismuth

KDE Plasma add-on, that tiles your windows automatically and lets you manage them via keyboard, similarly to i3, Sway or dwm.
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[Bug]: Windows not getting resized properly. #472

Closed Jackaed closed 1 year ago

Jackaed commented 1 year ago


I'm using Kubuntu 22.10, with KDE 5.26.90. I built bismuth from source, since the Ubuntu release version is severely outdated from apt.

I've had several issues: 1) Remaining open tabs do not get resized when a window is closed, and stay in their layout, until I make one of the windows floating and then make it tiling again, at which point the layout is corrected. 2) Firefox does not tile to the correct size upon opening, until I untile and retile it. 3) Sometimes windows open in the center of the screen, and do not respond to my hotkey to untile and retile the window. This happens most persistently with electron applications like WebCord and VSCode.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open two windows, and have them tile.
  2. Close one of the two.
  3. Remaining window does not resize until manually triggered to.

Expected behavior

Window resizes properly.


No response

Bismuth version

Built from source (most recent commit)

KDE Plasma version


The platform KWin is running on


Additional context

No response

Jackaed commented 1 year ago

Solutions given in the comments of #421 has partially fixed some of my issues. Will close, and make a new more refined issue if I can find solutions to some of the issues I'm having.