Bismuth-Forge / bismuth

KDE Plasma add-on, that tiles your windows automatically and lets you manage them via keyboard, similarly to i3, Sway or dwm.
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Windows often change size, ignore gaps, and overlap at random #483

Open cyberkitsune opened 1 year ago

cyberkitsune commented 1 year ago

Let me know if any additional information or logging is needed--

For a month or so (possibly after updating KDE?) I find that after several actions, such as:

bismuth will behave very buggily. All or some of the windows on a monitor will either lose their gaps, overlap other windows, or otherwise becoming untiled.

For example, here's chrome and dolphin, getting tiled properly, side by side: dolphin-proper

and here's what happens after I swap workspaces down and up, or just open a dialog and close it: dolphin-overlap

Not sure what the exact cause is, and it sometimes happens with specific application combos more often than others. For example, only one terminal is fine, or if the terminal is on the left (main window) it's fine, but two terminals or if the terminal is on the right it breaks in this way.

Let me know if I can provide any more information! I'm using the latest version of bismuth from this repo.

RandomLegend commented 1 year ago

i have comparable issues for a while now. My windows for example all go to one side and stack on top of each other while the other side is empty for example.

Also if i have for example two windows side by side and do meta+left click to move one of them, it will go into fullscreen at makes it impossible to place it somewhere else without making it swap with a wrong window.