Bismuth-Forge / bismuth

KDE Plasma add-on, that tiles your windows automatically and lets you manage them via keyboard, similarly to i3, Sway or dwm.
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[FEATURE]: Tiling Layout - another way to divide areas #494

Open OnlyUsePascal opened 9 months ago

OnlyUsePascal commented 9 months ago


First of all, I want to thank everyone for developing such a great plugin :). It really saved my time from dragging windows around my desktops. I want to propose a new way to display master areas based on desired window count for the tiling layout mode.

TL;DR: Despite the current window count, divide the whole screen into specified number of tiles and scramp + stack all the windows into those tiles instead of splitting into "master & non-master" section.

A clear and concise description of what you want to happen

Let curN be current number of window on screen, and targetN be desired number of master areas count.

From my understanding, when curN > targetN , the screen will by split in in two, one for "master" and "non-master". targetN windows will be taken to master area and the rest curN - targetN will be in non-master area. For example, if layout would be like below with curN = 5 and targetN = 2 (assuming that the master area is colored orange).


With curN getting larger, the non-master area just keep getting stacked up, making the child windows harder to view -which is somewhat kinda wasteful considering we can use those space for the master area.


Therefore I'm suggesting taking the whole screen as "master" - dividing into targetN tiles while the remaining windows can be stacked on using stairs layout. For example, with curN = 7 and targetN = 3 we would yield something like this.


I think it would make better use of the space for the number of tiles we want to work on + hide or show the remaining windows when needed. Of course there willl be corner cases like deadling with vertical screen or shortcuts for moving window inside or throughout the tiles, but I would be happy to discuss further if you feel this idea is possible.

P/s: If the idea above is implemented, I also want to suggest the min value of targetN to be 1 instead of 0. Since my laptop can explode to divide the screen into 0 areas.

A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

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