Bistard / nota

📕Next-Gen AI-powered markdown note-taking application.
MIT License
59 stars 5 forks source link

0.6.0-alpha #225

Closed Bistard closed 3 weeks ago

Bistard commented 6 months ago


Issue(s) Addressed:


Type of Changes: Bug fix / new feature / breaking change


  1. Depends on marked library
  2. Depends prosemirror-history library
  3. Upgrade typescript from 5.4.2 to 5.6.3
  4. Uninstall jsdom-global library, using jsdom directly in Mocha testing environment


  1. MacOS now supports its own styled window bar (macos-qa-bar)
  2. Refactor: fully functional ActionBar (dev-action-bar)
  3. Complete UI of ContextMenu (dev-context-menu)
    1. FileTree now supports ContextMenu
  4. new service: OutlineSerfvice (dev-outline)
  5. refactor service: NotificationService (dev-notification)
    1. With brand new UI.


  1. Extensions
    1. EditorExtension (base class for editor-related extensions)
    2. Refactor: CommandExtension (Fully functional)
    3. New: AutoSaveExtension
    4. New: temporarily using prosemirror-history to support undo/redo
  2. EditorModel
    1. Refactor: temporarily remove PieceTable and EditorViewModel. Use ProseEditorState as model by now.
    2. Improve: DocParser
    3. New: MarkdownSerializer
      1. Include tons of unit tests
  3. EditorView
    1. Refactor: remove inheritance hierarchy (ReadableEditor, WritableEditor)
    2. with basically no good-looking UI styles.


  1. Event System: able to monitor memory leak for Emitter (using FinalizationRegistry)


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