The Pangea Arbitration Token (PAT) is an ERC20 compatible in-app token for the Pangea
Jurisdiction. The PAT token rewards good reputation, and is issued on Pangea hen Citizens
accumulate non-tradable reputation tokens through creating a contract, successfully completing a
contract or resolving a dispute attached to a contract. PAT is an algorithmic reputation token; an
arbitration currency based on performance, rather than purchasing power, popularity, or
"hen" should be "when"
The Pangea Arbitration Token (PAT) is an ERC20 compatible in-app token for the Pangea Jurisdiction. The PAT token rewards good reputation, and is issued on Pangea hen Citizens accumulate non-tradable reputation tokens through creating a contract, successfully completing a contract or resolving a dispute attached to a contract. PAT is an algorithmic reputation token; an arbitration currency based on performance, rather than purchasing power, popularity, or attention.