BitBagCommerce / SyliusImojePlugin

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[Abuse][Santander] [C115375] [BitBagCommerce/SyliusIngPlugin.git] Cooperation to remove sensitive information posted on GitHub Inc #64

Closed CsirtEntelgy closed 1 year ago

CsirtEntelgy commented 1 year ago

We have detected a trademark infringement incident against Santander, on a repository located in GitHub Inc, from the following URL(s):

In this repository, appears the name of our client, Banco Santander, without its authorization. This repository shares the code of a plugin to make payment platform via token (including user ID and password). In the following link:

This unauthorized use of restricted information represents a security risk of Santander. We need your collaboration to stop this leaked information incident, by getting offline this content from the reported the URL(s). If you need more information regarding this incident, please contact our CSIRT 24/7.

Thank you very much for your attention. Looking forward to your reply.


CsirtEntelgy commented 1 year ago

To the attention to this repository's owner,

We are writing to you again because of a trademark infringement incident against Santander, on your repository:

In this repository, appears the name of our client, Banco Santander, without its authorization. This repository shares the code of a plugin to make payment platform via token (including user ID and password). In the following link:

Banco Santander requires the removal of its name from that line.


Also, in the following evidence you can check that the repository publicizes Banco Santander as one of the banks with which the payment platform works, but once again, this is done without the authorization of our client:

Direct link:


Our customer has confirmed that it doesn't identify the reported website as an authorized one that could act on its behalf. For this reason, this content represents a misuse of the industrial property of Santander.

We need your collaboration to resolve this incident, by requesting your client to clarify the purpose of this trademark infringement, confirming the authorization for its use, or removing the reported references from the website. If you need more information regarding this incident, please contact our CSIRT 24/7 by replying to this email.

I have a good faith belief that the use of the described material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or by operation of law.

The information in this notice is accurate, and I am authorized to act on behalf of our client Entelgy Innotec Security, the copyright owner.

I declare under the perjury laws of the United States of America that this notification is true and correct.

Thank you very much for your attention. Looking forward to your reply.


CSIRT | Entelgy Innotec Security


CsirtEntelgy commented 1 year ago

To the attention of this repository's owner,

We are writing to you again because of a removal request regarding some content in your repository.

This specific content is located in the following URLs:

Our client, Banco Santander, is a registered trademark. Thus, the unauthorized use of its name, logo, and other elements protected by intellectual property laws, is not allowed.

You can check our client is a registered trademark with the following link:

We need your help to remove the name and the logo of our client from your repository. We know your repository's purpose is not fraudulent or malicious, but our client does not authorize the use of these elements in a public repository.

If you need more information or have questions, let us know, we are glad to help. Our e-mail is:

Thank you so much.

Best regards.