BitBagCommerce / SyliusVueStorefrontPlugin

Sylius plugin integrating Sylius with Vue Storefront
45 stars 24 forks source link

Cannot install SyliusVueStorefrontPlugin in a fresh Sylius installation #116

Closed theriseofendymion closed 1 year ago

theriseofendymion commented 3 years ago

Hi, using Sylius 1.8 I can't install VueStorefrontPlugin with composer require bitbag/vuestorefront-plugin:v2.1.0 cause a failure because bitbag/vuestorefront-plugin requires symfony/property-info ^4.4

Forcing installation of symfony/property-info ^4.4 before installing the plugin results in a failure of Sylius:

Compile Error: Declaration of Sylius\Bundle\ApiBundle\PropertyInfo\Extractor\EmptyPropertyListExtractor::getProperties(string $class, array $context = Array): ?array must be compatible with Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyListExtractorInterface::getProperties($class, array $context = Array)

gregoire-jianda commented 3 years ago

Same here, on sylius-standard using the 1.8 branch, I get this error with composer require bitbag/vuestorefront-plugin:v2.1.0 :

Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

  Problem 1
    - Installation request for bitbag/vuestorefront-plugin v2.1.0 -> satisfiable by bitbag/vuestorefront-plugin[v2.1.0].
    - Conclusion: remove symfony/property-info v5.1.5
    - Conclusion: don't install symfony/property-info v5.1.5
    - bitbag/vuestorefront-plugin v2.1.0 requires symfony/property-info ^4.4 -> satisfiable by symfony/property-info[v4.4.0, v4.4.1, v4.4.10, v4.4.11, v4.4.12, v4.4.13, v4.4.14, v4.4.15, v4.4.16, v4.4.2, v4.4.3, v4.4.4, v4.4.5, v4.4.6, v4.4.7, v4.4.8, v4.4.9].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/property-info[v4.4.0, v5.1.5].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/property-info[v4.4.1, v5.1.5].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/property-info[v4.4.10, v5.1.5].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/property-info[v4.4.11, v5.1.5].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/property-info[v4.4.12, v5.1.5].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/property-info[v4.4.13, v5.1.5].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/property-info[v4.4.14, v5.1.5].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/property-info[v4.4.15, v5.1.5].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/property-info[v4.4.16, v5.1.5].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/property-info[v4.4.2, v5.1.5].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/property-info[v4.4.3, v5.1.5].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/property-info[v4.4.4, v5.1.5].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/property-info[v4.4.5, v5.1.5].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/property-info[v4.4.6, v5.1.5].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/property-info[v4.4.7, v5.1.5].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/property-info[v4.4.8, v5.1.5].
    - Can only install one of: symfony/property-info[v4.4.9, v5.1.5].
    - Installation request for symfony/property-info (locked at v5.1.5) -> satisfiable by symfony/property-info[v5.1.5].
Damtan commented 3 years ago

Same here, on fresh Sylius 1.8 project, I get this error when cache clear is call

Executing script cache:clear [KO] [KO] Script cache:clear returned with error code 1 !! !! In FileLoader.php line 180: !! !! There is no extension able to load the configuration for "fos_elastica" (in !! "/var/www/ !! Resources/config/indexes/attribute.yaml"). Looked for namespace "fos_elasti !! ca", found ""framework", "monolog", "security", "swiftmailer", "twig", "doc !! trine", "doctrine_cache", "sylius_order", "sylius_money", "sylius_currency" !! , "sylius_locale", "sylius_product", "sylius_channel", "sylius_attribute", !! "sylius_taxation", "sylius_shipping", "sylius_payment", "sylius_mailer", "s !! ylius_promotion", "sylius_addressing", "sylius_inventory", "sylius_taxonomy !! ", "sylius_user", "sylius_customer", "sylius_ui", "sylius_review", "sylius_ !! core", "sylius_resource", "sylius_grid", "winzou_state_machine", "sonata_bl !! ock", "bazinga_hateoas", "jms_serializer", "fos_rest", "knp_gaufrette", "kn !! p_menu", "liip_imagine", "payum", "stof_doctrine_extensions", "white_octobe !! r_pagerfanta", "doctrine_migrations", "sylius_fixtures", "sylius_payum", "s !! ylius_theme", "sylius_admin", "fos_oauth_server", "sylius_admin_api", "debu !! g", "web_profiler", "fidry_alice_data_fixtures", "nelmio_alice", "api_platf !! orm", "lexik_jwt_authentication", "sylius_api", "sylius_labs_doctrine_migra !! tions_extra", "sylius_vue_storefront", "console_color_diff", "gesdinet_jwt_ !! refresh_token", "nelmio_cors"" in /var/www/ !! bitbag/vuestorefront-plugin/src/Resources/config/indexes/attribute.yaml (wh !! ich is being imported from "/var/www/ !! /vuestorefront-plugin/src/Resources/config/indexes/vue_storefront_catalog.y !! aml").

Codeweld commented 3 years ago

It's should be fixed in a new release

3kynox commented 3 years ago

Hello, just a note, facing the same error as @Damtan. Any explanation about this? Any expectation of an correction date?

Thanks anyway!

Codeweld commented 3 years ago

@3kynox do you have FOS\ElasticaBundle\FOSElasticaBundle::class => ['all' => true], line somewhere it your config/bundles.php file? And have you installed all necessary dependencies?

3kynox commented 3 years ago

Nope, this line wasn't there. I've added it. Looking at composer.json, there's no elastica bundle.

I've just simply followed what's explained on the at the very first step: It says just to run composer require bitbag/vuestorefront-plugin:v2.1.1 and afterwards to update the bundle file.

Otherwise, all dependencies (composer install) have been installed as the project was working well in local / and in production before trying to add BitBag bridge. PHP version is 7.4. Every versions have been checked accordingly what's indicated in the readme. I used a fresh Sylius-Standard 1.8.6 install.

Apparently, elastica-bundle is ignored in the process:

Symfony operations: 4 recipes (4425b75d22bc0c213f505f9944d49b1a)
  - Configuring nelmio/cors-bundle (>=1.5): From
  - Configuring gesdinet/jwt-refresh-token-bundle (>=v0.8.3): From auto-generated recipe
  **-  IGNORING  friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle (>=5.0): From**
  - Configuring bitbag/vuestorefront-plugin (>=v2.1.1): From auto-generated recipe
Synchronizing package.json with PHP packages
Don't forget to run npm install --force or yarn install --force to refresh your Javascript dependencies!
Executing script cache:clear [KO]

!!  In FileLoader.php line 180:
!!    There is no extension able to load the configuration for "fos_elastica" (in
!!     "C:\Users\NoX\Projects\EscalNatura_Back\vendor\bitbag\vuestorefront-plugin
!!    \src/Resources/config\indexes/vue_storefront_catalog.yaml"). Looked for nam
!!    espace "fos_elastica", found ""framework", "monolog", "security", "swiftmai
!!    ler", "twig", "doctrine", "doctrine_cache", "sylius_order", "sylius_money",
!!     "sylius_currency", "sylius_locale", "sylius_product", "sylius_channel", "s
!!    ylius_attribute", "sylius_taxation", "sylius_shipping", "sylius_payment", "
!!    sylius_mailer", "sylius_promotion", "sylius_addressing", "sylius_inventory"
!!    , "sylius_taxonomy", "sylius_user", "sylius_customer", "sylius_ui", "sylius
!!    _review", "sylius_core", "sylius_resource", "sylius_grid", "winzou_state_ma
!!    chine", "sonata_block", "bazinga_hateoas", "jms_serializer", "fos_rest", "k
!!    np_gaufrette", "knp_menu", "liip_imagine", "payum", "stof_doctrine_extensio
!!    ns", "white_october_pagerfanta", "doctrine_migrations", "sylius_fixtures",
!!    "sylius_payum", "sylius_theme", "sylius_admin", "sylius_shop", "fos_oauth_s
!!    erver", "sylius_admin_api", "debug", "web_profiler", "fidry_alice_data_fixt
!!    ures", "nelmio_alice", "api_platform", "lexik_jwt_authentication", "sylius_
!!    api", "sylius_labs_doctrine_migrations_extra", "console_color_diff", "syliu
!!    s_pay_pal", "nelmio_cors", "gesdinet_jwt_refresh_token", "sylius_vue_storef
!!    ront"" in C:\Users\NoX\Projects\EscalNatura_Back\vendor\bitbag\vuestorefron
!!    t-plugin\src/Resources/config\indexes/vue_storefront_catalog.yaml (which is
!!     being imported from "C:\Users\NoX\Projects\EscalNatura_Back\vendor\bitbag\
!!    vuestorefront-plugin\src/Resources/config/config.yaml").
!!  In YamlFileLoader.php line 721:
!!    There is no extension able to load the configuration for "fos_elastica" (in
!!     "C:\Users\NoX\Projects\EscalNatura_Back\vendor\bitbag\vuestorefront-plugin
!!    \src/Resources/config\indexes/vue_storefront_catalog.yaml"). Looked for nam
!!    espace "fos_elastica", found ""framework", "monolog", "security", "swiftmai
!!    ler", "twig", "doctrine", "doctrine_cache", "sylius_order", "sylius_money",
!!     "sylius_currency", "sylius_locale", "sylius_product", "sylius_channel", "s
!!    ylius_attribute", "sylius_taxation", "sylius_shipping", "sylius_payment", "
!!    sylius_mailer", "sylius_promotion", "sylius_addressing", "sylius_inventory"
!!    , "sylius_taxonomy", "sylius_user", "sylius_customer", "sylius_ui", "sylius
!!    _review", "sylius_core", "sylius_resource", "sylius_grid", "winzou_state_ma
!!    chine", "sonata_block", "bazinga_hateoas", "jms_serializer", "fos_rest", "k
!!    np_gaufrette", "knp_menu", "liip_imagine", "payum", "stof_doctrine_extensio
!!    ns", "white_october_pagerfanta", "doctrine_migrations", "sylius_fixtures",
!!    "sylius_payum", "sylius_theme", "sylius_admin", "sylius_shop", "fos_oauth_s
!!    erver", "sylius_admin_api", "debug", "web_profiler", "fidry_alice_data_fixt
!!    ures", "nelmio_alice", "api_platform", "lexik_jwt_authentication", "sylius_
!!    api", "sylius_labs_doctrine_migrations_extra", "console_color_diff", "syliu
!!    s_pay_pal", "nelmio_cors", "gesdinet_jwt_refresh_token", "sylius_vue_storef
!!    ront"".
Script @auto-scripts was called via post-update-cmd

Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json and ./composer.lock to their original content.
Codeweld commented 3 years ago

Please add our plugin as a dependency to your composer.json (if it's not there) and run the composer update command. This should do the trick.

3kynox commented 3 years ago

Looks like to work again and these bundles are now installed.

Thanks for fast and efficient answers @Codeweld ^^