Also I have a question that now when I open the site it is showing the default Sylius shop view and I was expecting that it's shop view should be some predefined VS theme. I'm unclear about it kindly tell me should I need to make a theme separately or we can use VS default theme.
Which Elasticsearch version do you use? You can check it at http://localhost:9200/.
Our plugin needs 6.8.X for now since there is no stable release of FOSElastica 6.0.0 which will support ES7.
I have performed all the steps and in last when I try to run
php bin/console fos:elastica:populate
then it throws below error.Also I have a question that now when I open the site it is showing the default Sylius shop view and I was expecting that it's shop view should be some predefined VS theme. I'm unclear about it kindly tell me should I need to make a theme separately or we can use VS default theme. Thanks.