Multi-Sig Wallet v2, supporting original Wallet.sol methods with additional confirmAndExecute improvements to allow for single-transaction signing by multiple owners.
Ticket: BG-62483
We want to create lightweight contracts to help with cross chain recovery for evm like chains
These contracts consume less gas usage to deploy and are easier to recover funds due to singleSig nature
GasUsage (updated) -------old. -----new
WalletSimple --------------900k ----340k
Forwarder ---------------- 240k -----88k(70k if done in batches)
Ticket: BG-62483 We want to create lightweight contracts to help with cross chain recovery for evm like chains These contracts consume less gas usage to deploy and are easier to recover funds due to singleSig nature GasUsage (updated) -------old. -----new WalletSimple --------------900k ----340k Forwarder ---------------- 240k -----88k(70k if done in batches)