The 240p test suite is a homebrew software suite for video game consoles developed to help in the evaluation of upscalers, upscan converters and line doublers.
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Typos in Checkerboard help screen and Backlight Test #13
1 - "Backlit Test" (and reference to backlit in the help screen. I believe this should be "Backlight"
2 - Help screen for "Checkerboard". The words "auto-toggle each" are repeated - the sentence reads "You can toggle the pattern with button 'Up', or turn on auto-toggle each auto-toggle each frame with the 'A' button."
Metioned on AtariAge here:
1 - "Backlit Test" (and reference to backlit in the help screen. I believe this should be "Backlight"
2 - Help screen for "Checkerboard". The words "auto-toggle each" are repeated - the sentence reads "You can toggle the pattern with button 'Up', or turn on auto-toggle each auto-toggle each frame with the 'A' button."