Open lv333ming opened 4 months ago
Dear, What model is it ? Regular or AMOLED ? With or without touch screen ? Did you use the web flasher ?
Dear, What model is it ? Regular or AMOLED ? With or without touch screen ? Did you use the web flasher ?
The model is LILYGO TDisplay S3, ordinary TFT ST7789, this is the burning tool flash_download_tool_3.9.5
Did you use the web flasher ? yes
From the readme :
From the readme :
I want to run version 1.7.0 to see
tried several versions on using the NerdMiner-Github repository, didnt have any luck
appreciate any push into the right direction
I "Successfully flashed nerdminer-prerelease-V1.7.0_NerminerV2" which is nerdminer-prerelease-V1.7.0/NerminerV2_bootloader.bin
Notice the firmware version is spelled "Ner" instead of "Nerd" in the Nerdminer-Github tab.
I "Successfully flashed nerdminer-prerelease-V1.7.0_NerminerV2" which is nerdminer-prerelease-V1.7.0/NerminerV2_bootloader.bin
Notice the firmware version is spelled "Ner" instead of "Nerd" in the Nerdminer-Github tab.
Excellent, i didn't know which one on the list I had to choose and i already have it updated.
So I tried to flash nerdminer-prerelease-V1.7.0_NerdminerV2
on my T-Disyplay-S3... No luck.
This worked for me:
I have already burned the firmware but I don't see the program running. The screen is black. My device is LILYGO TDisplay S3