BitTubes / dashboard

on PowerWeb-Server in /home/bittubes/
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admin option to set the AWS account #25

Open JoernBerkefeld opened 8 years ago

JoernBerkefeld commented 8 years ago

... that's supposed to be used per customer

with default for bittubes general account if nothing else is set.

background: right now, trial customers add their files to the general account. if a customer enters the paid phase, they are to be moved to their own AWS account (with joint accounting). While adding a new account is a manual act, having a GUI for hot-wiring that into the CMS will make things a lot easier - plus it reduces the risk of credentials being found in a git repo.

JoernBerkefeld commented 8 years ago

@igorfritzsch Dashboard und dafür nötige CMS-API ist jetzt soweit fertig. TODO:

  1. pull branch feature/aws_upload_config
  2. verbleibenden configs in DB eintragen (alle!)
  3. das api/upload/script anpassen, damit die DB genutzt wird
JoernBerkefeld commented 8 years ago

PS: neuen feature-branch bitte hierfür pullen!

JoernBerkefeld commented 8 years ago

Nötige Tools:

Neue Version der upload api erstellen (commit nach c/p) dann daran arbeiten und direkt das SDK hierfür in den Ordner integrieren (nicht zentral wie jetzt)

JoernBerkefeld commented 8 years ago

waits for BitTubes/tagging-tool#7