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Feature Request: Segregate SegWit tainted BTC #517

Open differentitor opened 5 years ago

differentitor commented 5 years ago

I want to get rid of my SegWit tainted coins, and keep my untainted Bitcoins. Clearly, untainted coins have more value, as they can always be turned into SegWit coins, but not the other way around.

It sure would be nice to see SegWit coins segregated out. And have an option to spend SegWit tainted coins first.

Bitkilo commented 5 years ago

I have never heard of "tainted" segwit BTC coins, you can send any BTC coins to a segwit address and then back to a normal BTC "Legacy" address without problems. Although the wallet does not support segwit transactions, you can still receive BTC transactions from segwit addresses deposited into any of your BTC wallet addresses.

Why do you say that "Segwit tainted" coin would be worth less?

differentitor commented 5 years ago

"you can send any BTC coins to a segwit address and then back to a normal BTC "Legacy" address without problems." - true, but this does not remove the taint. Tainted coins will always be tainted coins.

I have a trading partner who accepts only untainted Bitcoins. According to their payment instructions, I can pay with various payment methods, but if I choose to pay with Bitcoins, and the coins are tainted, my account will not receive credit for payment. The tainted coins may be returned (on their schedule, at their discretion), but not without deducting fees including transaction fees and a processing fee which may be as high as $100 worth of coins.

That differentiation makes untainted coins more valuable than tainted coins, simply because I cannot use tainted coins everywhere that I can use untainted coins.

Bitkilo commented 5 years ago

Back when Segwit was being voted on there was talk around the bitcoin forums regarding if ever a fatal bug was found in Segwit, then only original sourced bitcoins (BTC) will be safe to spend. I didn't follow the topic much.

The question of if Segwit BTC coins are worth less than any other BTC coins would be more of a personal opinion i think. It would depend on how likely the receivers thinks this bug is possible and doesn't want to take any risks.

If you wanted to clear your wallet of any "tainted" coins, then i suggest that you send all BTC to a different wallet, and then only send "non-tainted" BTC back to your wallet.

Do you know how to check if any BTC received has been "tainted" by a BTC Segwit transaction? If so please share this link/tool.