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Does not send, seed recovery phrase displays blank screen, export crashes the app #587

Open xrviv opened 3 years ago

xrviv commented 3 years ago


I installed App version 6.9.9 on my daughter's phone

Android 6.0.1 on a Vivo 1610 phone.

I was able to send about $30 worth to it several months ago.

  1. We can see the funds are still there, but whenever we try to backup, sync or SEND the bitcoins, the app just crashes.
  2. When we try to display the seed phrases, it just shows a white screen, then goes back to home.

Solution 1 involves Sending the bitcoins to another wallet. No go. Goes back to home screen OR crashes. Solution 2 involves Sending the bitcoins to another wallet on the same app. No go. Goes back to home screen Solution 3 involves Syncing the App, app crashes. Solution 4 involves converting the BTC to BCH, goes back to the same screen. Solution 5 involves exporting everything on the phone - on a new phone, - No Go, it just created another extra wallet. Solution 6, involves using an Android emulator to try and duplicate the phone and the apps behavior, still no go. Solution 7, technical support told us to update everything. We did! Still the same banana.

I know it's just a small amount, but it means a lot to us.