If and when users adopt this new application, they may have questions about how to do certain things. This may be because they are unfamiliar with the application, or because they migrate from the Bitcoin QT application or another wallet, or because we haven't implemented something quite yet and users have to deal with workarounds.
It is no longer maintained, but Monero used to have a wallet guide that was updated with each release. This is something we could take inspiration from. There are already some docs for command-line usage (example).
This came out of a conversation around changing the data directory, where we initially may not have this option after onboarding in the UI, and users need to resort to editing bitcoin.conf.
It's quite a bit of work to maintain such a guide, so it needs to be carefully considered taking it on. An ideal situation would be a community-maintained guide, where the burden on the maintainer is lower. For now, maybe we can just track activities that we think users may have problems with and need help.
I'll start a list here and we can add to it over time. If you have an idea, please leave a comment.
Changing the data directory after onboarding via bitcoin.conf
@MarnixCroes will help you with this when we're ready, but agree a user guide would be extremely helpful lowering the barrier to effectively using the GUI.
If and when users adopt this new application, they may have questions about how to do certain things. This may be because they are unfamiliar with the application, or because they migrate from the Bitcoin QT application or another wallet, or because we haven't implemented something quite yet and users have to deal with workarounds.
It is no longer maintained, but Monero used to have a wallet guide that was updated with each release. This is something we could take inspiration from. There are already some docs for command-line usage (example).
This came out of a conversation around changing the data directory, where we initially may not have this option after onboarding in the UI, and users need to resort to editing bitcoin.conf.
It's quite a bit of work to maintain such a guide, so it needs to be carefully considered taking it on. An ideal situation would be a community-maintained guide, where the burden on the maintainer is lower. For now, maybe we can just track activities that we think users may have problems with and need help.
I'll start a list here and we can add to it over time. If you have an idea, please leave a comment.