BitcoinDesign / Guide

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Revise the projects page #649

Closed GBKS closed 2 years ago

GBKS commented 2 years ago

The projects page needs a quick update.

Anything else we should add or change here?

Bosch-0 commented 2 years ago

Bitcoin Design Sprints sounds like something you do as part of a project, not a project itself, NACK on that name.

PR is open for this

pavlenex commented 2 years ago

@Bosch-0 We literally only do design sprint, how is that not the project itself? It's a good branding and really gives a wider picture of what WIP project will become, people doing these initiatives on their own, regardless if they're helping a wallet or a different project.

Bosch-0 commented 2 years ago

I'd disagree, the project seems to cover everything in the first diamond and partially overlaps with the analysis portion of the second with creating issues on the wallets GitHub.


Bitcoin Design Sprint is also very open ended, it really doesn't encapsulate what the project is doing. Design sprints for what?

Design is also iterative, you don't just do a sprint and call it a day. You constantly go back and revise through the above diamond.

pavlenex commented 2 years ago

Bitcoin Design Sprint is also very open ended

Which is exactly why we're renaming it.

The wallet reviews are just kicking things off and opening what is hopefully a whole new initiative of community members using their learned skills and conducting design sprints for whatever there's a need for.

I think you should join one of the calls before giving a comment, the goal is to hopefully have iterative sprints. It's up to community members to venture into initiatives on their own.

Bosch-0 commented 2 years ago

I thought it was being renamed to Bitcoin Design Sprint?

Well it's confused me so I'm sure it would confuse others.

They are at 2AM in the morning otherwise I would attend, I've been watching the recordings / following everything on FigJam so I am in the loop.

pavlenex commented 2 years ago

It's already renamed. Wallet Improvement Project to Bitcoin Design Sprints because: