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Learning Bitcoin and Design #13: Covenants #608

Closed GBKS closed 6 months ago

GBKS commented 6 months ago
UTCTime: 2024-01-19 14:00 UTC
Duration: 1h



Covenants are a hot topic in bitcoin, and there's interest in discussing it. We set up an issue around this here, and we'll kick things off with this call. Goal is to just get an understanding of what covenants are, what they enable, use cases, etc. This is meant to be a casual session where no prior knowledge is required, and we learn together.

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GBKS commented 6 months ago

What a conversation this was. Quite a complex topic, but I think we managed to drill through some of the mysteries and got a good idea of some of the basics use cases. The consensus was to follow up with a design session to explore user interactions, and potentially another learning session around the more complex use of covenants for scaling. For now, the recording of this call is uploaded here.