BitgetLimited / proof-of-reserves

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Using Bitget Wallet, redirected on playstore and in app, attempt made to gain access to computer [Bug] #6

Open butterfly86 opened 8 months ago

butterfly86 commented 8 months ago

I don't know where this belongs exactly, but this has been on going for a few days now. Here is the problem as I and my husband have experienced.

First, we transfered bitcoin from our CashApp BTC wallet to Bitget Wallet's BTC Address, it got hung on the BTC chain and didn't show up right away, I doubled checked it on blockonomics keeping an eye on the wallet and it finally said it was confirmed and the wallet address held the BTC we sent.

Next, it took 2 or 3 days to reflect in the Bitget Wallet as a balance. We went to transfer it out because of the issues we had, and are unable to transfer it out. We contacted support, or who we thought was support. We finally got a hold of someone over the phone and live chat this morning, they had, up until that point, been saying that the BTC address was not valid and did not exist on their platform, as of this morning, they admitted it was on their platform, said they had access to the account, sent us to an analytics team who then tried to get us to download and install an executable on the comuter, once downloaded (because of how we were told over the phone to download the executable) I opened it up in 7zip and saw the contents of it and refused to install it. When I got loud and refused, the person on the phone became beligerant and kept insisting that I needed to install it to let it connect to their server.

We have since gone and doubled checked the URL's and the app download from the playstore and how they link together. The bitget exchange website sends us to the same apk on the playstore that we have downlaoded already. I suspect that the apk has been hijacked and people are loosing their money and access to their computers due to this issue. The customer service website automatically redirects from bitget wallet to a bitgot URL. We are still unable to transfer the money out of the bitget wallet, but have not given a nyone private keys or seed phrases.

Thought someone might want to take care of this issue before the project and company is ruined.

OKE66 commented 1 month ago

[Uploading state-log-2024-03-25T17-58-05.txt…]()

OKE66 commented 1 month ago

Pls do something