Bithack / principia

Open source physics-based sandbox game.
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Completely remove String/Table/Listen on input flags #101

Closed griffi-gh closed 1 year ago

griffi-gh commented 1 year ago

Closes #100

griffi-gh commented 1 year ago

(needs further review/testing)

This completely removes the said flags and forces them on.

Windows and Linux builds work (removed the toggles), but this patch doesn't change the Android interface yet

There's an extremely small chance it could break old levels, but it's unlikely

griffi-gh commented 1 year ago

This PR can break: 1) scripts that rely on string/table globals being nil.
2) scripts that have on_input defined but don't have the "Listen on input" flag, have wires connected, and don't expect oninput handler to be called

griffi-gh commented 1 year ago

Maybe I should put this behind a game version check if this is too much?