Bithack / principia

Open source physics-based sandbox game.
258 stars 25 forks source link

Virus detected #103

Closed DaniLucky06 closed 1 year ago

DaniLucky06 commented 1 year ago

I uploaded the windows file to VirusTotal, because Windows told me it could be harmful, and a Virus has been found. What should I do, is it a false positive? image

rollerozxa commented 1 year ago

Principia is not a virus and is safe to run, but that's of course what I would say considering I compiled the build. Generally though if only one AV engine detects something it's usually a false positive.

If you want to be extra sure you can open the installer executable like a zip archive using 7-Zip, and extract the game manually. Then zip up principia.exe and accompanying DLL files and upload to VirusTotal. At least for me, Trapmine doesn't detect it anymore when I do that. You can play the game portably that way too without running the installer, but keep in mind community site level buttons won't work since you'll be missing registry keys for protocol association (see Principia URI Protocol).

DaniLucky06 commented 1 year ago

Thank you :D I already scanned it with another antivirus before reading this, and installed it! Thanks! Btw, thank you for re-taking principia up after all this time! I had it installed on the phone for ages and never uninstalled it! I hope this beautiful game can finally get what it deserves :D

rollerozxa commented 1 year ago

No problem, thank you for sticking around. :heart: