Bithack / principia

Open source physics-based sandbox game.
260 stars 25 forks source link

TODO issue for 2024.02.29 #155

Closed rollerozxa closed 3 months ago

rollerozxa commented 5 months ago

Opening this issue to keep track of things that need to be fixed or finished before the next release happens, so I don't end up in the same situation as the last release where I come back after a month of inactivity and have no idea what's left to be done.

Need to be done:

Nice to have:

griffi-gh commented 5 months ago

what about flatpak btw

rollerozxa commented 5 months ago


(are you serious?)

griffi-gh commented 5 months ago


(are you serious?)

yeah, why not? i don't care about Flatpak and won't be using it, but i get why some people like them.
also Flathub does a great job at promoting smaller applications.
could be a low prio task

rollerozxa commented 5 months ago

I have some pretty strong feelings about Flatpak that is probably better suited in a blog article. If anyone wants to package Principia for Flatpak then they are free to do so, just like with any other package manager repository. But in terms of first-party Linux binary distribution of Principia, AppImage is what I'll be placing my focus on.

pajlada commented 5 months ago

just a little information dump about Linux self-distributions:

With AppImages, if you can make sure you bundle everything except glibc, they will be fine. Not an exact replica of what'd be needed here, but we build our app in CI then "just" run this shell script in CI and it builds an AppImage If you are ok with use CPack in CMake, it has an appimage output mode iirc but configuring will be different. You'd want to just use appimagetool instead of linuxdeployqt

While the flatpak setup seemed more complex at first, it ended up being kinda easy to build & publish. Our stable release is here and our nightly/beta branch is here. We just make sure to have this file available to download alongside our nightly releases

If you're interested in distributing native Ubuntu builds, you can do that through launchpad - bit of a learning curve but now it just builds automatic releases for my app into a PPA, making it super easy to add & install. Build recipe.

Last but maybe most interesting, there's openSUSE's Open Build Service - it would allow you to build Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, SUSE, etc native builds. We haven't looked into this yet but it seems super promising