Bithack / principia

Open source physics-based sandbox game.
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There is no way to know the "Alpha" value of a "Pixel" object after switching to GTK 3. #160

Closed unnamed25 closed 3 months ago

unnamed25 commented 3 months ago

In the "Pixel" object, there is a mechanism called "Alpha", by specifying a value there, you can control the pixel size through the "Transmitter" or "Mini transmitter", by specifying the "Frequency" value as in the "Alpha" value. Greater the value of the supplied signal to the "Transmitter" or "Mini transmitter" - the larger the "Pixel" became. After switching to GTK 3, the value "Alpha" can be specified, but its value itself is no longer displayed anywhere, which is this feature can no longer be used.

Principia version: 2024.02.29 Operating system: Windows 11.

griffi-gh commented 3 months ago

oops... didn't realize that the new gtk3 color picker has no way of manually specifying alpha (or there's one but it's disabled)
I'll look into it...

How did this go unnoticed for so long(?)... I guess it's a pretty obscure mechanic