Bithack / principia

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revert to legacy color chooser for pixel/beam #161

Closed griffi-gh closed 3 months ago

griffi-gh commented 3 months ago

closes #160

switch back to legacy color picker for pixel as the new one does not allow precisely selecting (and does not show) alpha channel value.

This also affects the Plastic Beam dialog since they both reuse the same instance, but... eh, who cares.

Would've been nice to revert everything for the sake of consistency but GtkColorButton only works with the new GtkColorChooser so it's not possible

rollerozxa commented 3 months ago

The better option would be to make a custom dialog for the pixel that integrates a colour picker as well as a custom slider for the wireless frequency, which would also fix things like the colour not showing up in the preview box because the alpha is 0 by default dear god why did they ever decide to use the alpha value for wireless frequency...

But this works for now yeah. It's deprecated but I honestly prefer this dialog over the "new" one for all other colour pickers.