Bithack / principia

Open source physics-based sandbox game.
260 stars 25 forks source link

Update #168

Closed Poussinou closed 1 month ago

Poussinou commented 1 month ago


This small PR adds a link to get your app on F-Droid 👍

You can now eventually add the fdroid and/or f-droid tags that will appear on the right side of the repo.

rollerozxa commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the PR. I've been anticipating Principia's inclusion in F-Droid for about a week now and had prepared updates to the download page and a news article for it. There is an F-Droid badge on the downloads page now which is linked in the README under the section for binary builds. I'm unsure if there should be an additional link to F-Droid in the README, for Linux distribution packages all of that is put on the downloads page as that's usually where end users will go to download the game.