Bithack / principia

Open source physics-based sandbox game.
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Makedeb failed to build #86

Closed Blue-Beaker closed 1 year ago

Blue-Beaker commented 1 year ago

Tried to build principia on Ubuntu 22.04 with makedeb:

git clone
cd principia-git/
makedeb -si

But it always fail with an end of

[#] Entering fakeroot environment...
[#] Starting package()...
install: can't stat 'apparatus2' : no such file or directory
[! package()] A failure occurred in package().

I think it's maybe because this commit renamed 'apparatus2' to 'principia' but makedeb script didn't change so it still looks for 'apparatus2' and fails.

rollerozxa commented 1 year ago

For some reason I'm unable to push an update to the MPR that updates it. :shrug: