BitkoYinowsky / NostrLogo

Nostr Logo
8 stars 1 forks source link

Usage permissions for this project #1

Open PatrickChoo opened 9 months ago

PatrickChoo commented 9 months ago

Hello! I noticed your LOGO project on Twitter, and I'm interested in using it for free.

However, I couldn't find a specific license mentioned. I wanted to check with you directly – do you intend to allow others to use this LOGO project for free, or is there a specific usage policy you have in mind?


RmFatahillah commented 9 months ago

Halo! Saya memperhatikan proyek LOGO Anda di Twitter, dan saya tertarik untuk menggunakannya secara gratis.

Namun, saya tidak dapat menemukan lisensi spesifik yang disebutkan. Saya ingin menanyakan langsung kepada Anda – apakah Anda bermaksud mengizinkan orang lain menggunakan proyek LOGO ini secara gratis, atau adakah kebijakan penggunaan khusus yang Anda pikirkan?

Terima kasih!


BitkoYinowsky commented 6 months ago

Hello! I noticed your LOGO project on Twitter, and I'm interested in using it for free.

However, I couldn't find a specific license mentioned. I wanted to check with you directly – do you intend to allow others to use this LOGO project for free, or is there a specific usage policy you have in mind?



I've made the NOSTR logo that I've designed free open source. Feel free to use it as you see fit.
