Bitmessage / PyBitmessage

Reference client for Bitmessage: a P2P encrypted decentralised communication protocol:
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Runnable with both Python3 and Python2, with both PyQt5 and PyQt4 by using #2250

Open kashikoibumi opened 1 month ago

kashikoibumi commented 1 month ago

Runnable with both Python3 and Python2, with both PyQt5 and PyQt4 by using

PeterSurda commented 4 weeks ago

Can I create a gitea account for you on a private instance? You'll have more access to code and reviews by other developers that way. I only need an email address for that, you can access is through tor. I don't have is codespaces support in gitea but you don't use that anyway so there shouldn't be any drawbacks.

kashikoibumi commented 4 weeks ago

I hope to access to the Gitea! My email address is now shown on my public profile.