Open justmike1 opened 3 years ago
try to use domain: and you should get data like : [ { "symbol": "BTCUSDT", "priceChange": "5428.39", "priceChangePercent": "14.2600", "weightedAvgPrice": null, "prevClosePrice": null, "lastPrice": "43469.82", "lastQty": null, "bidPrice": "43465.17", "askPrice": "43475.20", "openPrice": "38041.43", "highPrice": "44213.42", "lowPrice": "37903.29", "volume": "377569610.01545300000000000000000000000000", "quoteVolume": "377569610.01545300000000000000000000000000", "openTime": 0, "closeTime": 0, "firstId": 0, "lastId": 0, "count": 377569610.01545300000000000000000000000000 } ]
I am trying to get pair BTC USDT and SHX USDT from API, replaced ticket with BTCUSDT and few other variations without success, can someone forward me a full example of an API with tocken price?
edit: my bad the syntax was wrong I am new to this (needed to add ?symbol=xxx)